Virgin River Season 6 might have dropped a huge wedding hint

Mel and Jack in Virgin RiverNetflix

With Virgin River Season 6 in the middle of filming, a set leak might have dropped a huge hint about an impending wedding.

Starting in early February, the Virgin River cast has been in the throes of filming Season 6. According to fans, there now could be a big hint signaling some upcoming nuptials — though just whose wedding it is seems to be dividing opinion.

“Some VR fan Instagram accounts are showing pics of a Mississippi River paddle-type boat where filming is supposedly taking place. Speculation is that this is for Mel and Jack’s wedding,” one fan posted on Reddit. “Although Jack proposed having the wedding at their new farm, this would be kinda cool. Alexandra Breckenridge (Mel) has already said that since her own real wedding had a farm setting, it would be too much alike.”

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“This also makes sense because it brings back previous events: their first date at the marina, the Evermore pond scene, the canceled moonlight dinner cruise for Mel’s birthday,” the post continued.

A second fan agreed, “Martin is directing one of Richard Keith’s and Erin Carrillo’s episodes they wrote. 99.9% sure it’s the wedding episode. I also feel like they will be filming the rest of the wedding stuff this coming week. Looks like they will have good weather in Vancouver. My thoughts are wedding ceremony outdoors on their new property and the reception is on the paddle boat.”

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Earlier in the year, Virgin River Season 6 showrunner Patrick Sean Smith hinted that Mel and Jack’s relationship will take a major role in upcoming episode storylines, leading into the bigger picture of their journey to becoming parents.

However, not all fans are convinced that this alleged reveal will have anything to do with Mel and Jack at all.

“I saw these pictures on X as well. I think filming Mel and Jack’s wedding would be done secretly. It’s probably Hope and Doc’s wedding/vows renewal,” one fan disagreed. Another countered, “They are filming Episodes 7 and 8, is too late for Hope and Doc renewal at this point in Season 6 if we are hoping for Mel and Jack’s wedding to happen in the same season.”

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A third added, “Joey can be seen in those photos. Do we really think Mel’s sister is coming up from LA to attend Hope and Doc vows renewal instead of her sister’s wedding?”

Breckenridge previously told TV Line that her own wedding “looked very similar to what you would think Mel’s wedding would look like.”

Find out what burning questions Virgin River Season 6 needs to answer, and check out even more TV shows to stream this month in the meantime.

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