The most shocking moments in Virgin River Season 5

Jack in Virgin RiverNetflix

So much has happened in Virgin River Season 5, consisting of 12 drama-filled episodes, with events that have major implications for the characters moving forward. Ahead of Season 6, we’ve broken down the most shocking moments of the show’s latest chapter.

On a series like Virgin River, audiences come to expect terrible tragedies. In stark contrast with the picturesque backdrop, the small town rivals long-running soap operas with the number of daily dilemmas and disasters that plague the locals. 

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New showrunner Patrick Sean Smith brought a fresh new pace to Netflix’s adaptation of Robyn Carr’s best-selling novels this season, along with a whole new set of challenges. A rampant wildfire tore through the town, decimating homes and threatening lives, while each individual also battled with other forms of heartache and loss.  

Audiences could have predicted some of this season’s events such as the long-awaited arrival of Charmaine’s twins and Mel and Jack happily preparing for a family together. But other twists and developments have left even steadfast fans stunned. After a jam-packed outing, here’s a recap of the most shocking moments in Virgin River Season 5. Spoilers ahead!

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Mel has family ties in Virgin River    

Back in Season 1 when Mel stumbled into Jack’s bar, no one suspected that she would have a secret family connection to this remote corner of California. Yet at the end of Season 5 Part 1, Mel receives a phone call from her sister Joey, who reveals that she found letters that her mother wrote to a man she had an affair with in Virgin River. Joey puts the dates together and suspects that this mystery man might be Mel’s father. Up until this point, Mel has come to terms with the loss of both her parents and her husband and is uncertain how this new person will fit into her full life.

In Part 2, Mel and Jack track down the mystery man from his PO box number. After a rocky first meeting, Mel’s dad, Evert Reed turns up at her doorstep and asks to be part of her life. This new connection is bound to play an integral part in Mel’s storyline in season 6, as she begins to get to know her real father and discover the big secret he’s so desperate to disclose…

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Wes’ body is found 

Wes in Virgin RiverNetflix

Season 5 promises a fresh start for Paige and Preacher, as she leaves town for good and Preacher begins to rebuild his love life. The adored chef strikes up a new connection with local firefighter Kaia and their relationship begins to blossom, even with her ex-husband on the sidelines trying to intervene. 

All of that comes crashing to a halt when Kaia reveals that the fire scorched away an area of land to uncover a previously buried body of an unidentified man. Later, Preacher receives the phone call that he’s been dreading – the body has been identified as Paige’s ex-husband, Wes. 

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Back in Season 2, Paige killed her abusive ex in self-defense and Preacher helped her hide the evidence. Yet in a chilling turn of events, Wes’ twin brother Vince, who is also a police officer, arrived a few weeks later to investigate his brother’s disappearance. Vince doesn’t have any concrete evidence, but he begins to suspect Paige and Preacher of foul play. 

Now that it’s confirmed that the dead body is Wes, it seems Vince could return and threaten the happiness and peace that Preacher has worked so hard to create.

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Charmaine gives birth, and the twin’s father is revealed

Charmaine in Virgin River Season 5Netflix

Though fans expected Charmaine to eventually give birth, the final days with her baby bump weren’t without a few more twists. In the Part 1 finale, Charmaine is approached in the car park by the crime lord Calvin who says he wants to be a “father to his boys.”

This bombshell is set to be another twist in the knife for Jack after Charmaine lied about the twins being his children. In the season finale, Charmaine arrives at the clinic as her labour has started with Calvin. Mel is shocked to learn about their secret liaison but continues to guide Charmaine through her births. Two happy, healthy baby boys arrive just in time for Christmas. But with Calvin out of prison, and the babies now being his permanent tie to the area, there’s no doubt he’ll be back next season.

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Brady’s girlfriend’s secret

Brady in Virgin River Season 5 Part 2Netflix

At the end of Season 5, Brady seems to have finally settled into a happy relationship with Lark and her sweet young daughter. Briefly, Lark steps out of their cosy Christmas celebrations to answer a call from none Calvin’s friend Jimmy, who is in prison for the part he played in his boss’ criminal operations in Virgin River. It is revealed that Jimmy is actually her lover, and the father of her daughter.

In a shocking turn of events, Lark’s relationship with Brady turns out to be a scheme that she orchestrated with Jimmy in order to get close to the ex-marine. It’s unclear what the duo’s motive or intention is with Brady, but if Calvin has anything to do with it, it can’t be good. 

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Lizzie is pregnant 

Lizzie in Virgin River Season 5 Part 2Netflix

Over the course of Season 5, Lizzie evolves from a disgruntled teenager dissatisfied with being trapped in a sleepy town, to an integral part of the community. She follows in Hope’s footsteps and establishes her roots in the area with her boyfriend, Denny. 

However, a curveball is thrown into their relationship when Lizzie announces that she is pregnant. Denny had previously wanted to move on from Virgin River and explore the world, while he was still physically able to before his Huntington’s disease progressed. 

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In the final two episodes of Season 5, it’s clear the couple is thrilled with their unexpected, upcoming arrival and seems to have set aside their different outlooks on life to focus on a family life together. It’s not what either of them – or viewers probably – expected, but it’s an additional cause for celebration over the holidays for the town. 

Mel has a miscarriage  

Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson as Mel and Jack in Virgin River on NetflixNetflix

One of the most heartbreaking events of the season is when Mel has a miscarriage mid-way through the wildfire. After going to the bathroom, Mel spots some blood and rushes into the clinic to frantically perform an ultrasound on herself. Tragically, she finds there is no heartbeat. 

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It’s another horrific loss for Mel, who has already lost one child and her husband. Faced with the local crisis too, Mel puts her crushing grief to one side as she helps Doc and Cameron provide medical support for the locals affected by the fire. Later, Mel and Jack are able to grieve the loss of their daughter together, as well as the life they imagined building together as a family.

Brady’s friend is murdered 

Brady in Virgin RiverNetflix

Brady is faced with immense challenges this season, as he endeavours to change his ways and ditch his rebellious, criminal past. The ex-marine is forced into helping Melissa on the construction site, and instructed to fudge the books and move large quantities of drugs through the site on the side.

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One night he is needed to receive a shipment, but as he has dinner plans with his new girlfriend Brie, his friend Jed offers to take his place. The next morning Brady arrives at work to discover Jed has been murdered. His death is a warning to Brady to comply with every order that he is given or more people will get hurt.

In fear, Brady begins to distance himself from Brie in order to protect her. Though he does follow all of Melissa’s orders after Jed’s death, Brady also works as an informant to the police to eventually bring down her shady operation by the end of the season. 

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Mike is shot

Mike in Virgin RiverNetflix

Virgin River is no stranger to criminal activity, in fact, the remote location seems to be an ideal front for underhand operations to occur. Melissa goes into business with Jack in a caravan park, but she uses it as a front for her thriving drug business.

Brady takes on the role of a double agent as he informs Mike about Melissa’s operation from the inside. As the season draws to a close, Jack becomes suspicious about Brady and follows him to the caravan to find him moving drugs. 

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Suddenly, the truth unravels and thankfully Mike and his backup turn up just in time for Brady and Jack to make it out alive. Just when it seems as though everyone is safe, one of Melissa’s thugs tries to shoot Brady for his betrayal, but Mike jumps in front of him and takes the bullet in his chest. 

The dramatic sacrifice tears away at Brady, as Mike falls into a coma in hospital. Thankfully, he makes a full recovery.

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Ava’s near-death experience 

Ava in Virgin RiverNetflix

In the middle of the wildfire and moments after her miscarriage, Mel realises that Lilly’s daughter Ava and her baby sister are unaccounted for. She drives out to the farm to find it engulfed in flames and dashes inside to try and save her and the baby. 

Ava suffered another severe flare-up from her endometriosis and is unconscious on the floor when Mel finds her, while the baby is struggling to breathe from severe smoke inhalation. Jack arrives in the nick of time to carry Ava out of the burning building before Mel rushes them both back to the clinic to monitor them closely. Both Ava and the baby recover over time, though their near-death experience has shaken them all up. 

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Virgin River Seasons 1-5 are streaming on Netflix now. Check out our other coverage below: