Underrated horror movie on Netflix is so “disturbing” viewers can’t sleep after

Momentum Pictures

A handful of horror enthusiasts are telling people to steer clear of one particular movie that will cause them to lose sleep.

As spooky season approaches, many horror movie fans are gathering recommendations for films that will knock their socks off.

While flicks like The Deliverance or In Violent Nature may raise the hair on the back of a viewer’s neck, one indie movie has been dubbed by Reddit as “so disturbing you can’t sleep.”

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Beth de Araújo’s debut film Soft & Quiet may seem unassuming at first, but its too-close-to-home events may even scare some of the most hardcore of horror movie fans.

Araújo’s movie is centered around a kindergarten teacher named Emily as she attends a ‘Daughters for Aryan Unity’ meeting, which turns out to be an organization of white supremacist Caucasian women who want to enact their vision of the world onto others.

From there, the movie escalates immensely as the group encounters two Asian-American women, one of which is the rape victim of Emily’s brother.

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The movie doesn’t hold back when it comes to showing how hate crimes can spiral out of control as Emily and her friends’ quest for “justice” ends up destroying the lives of those around them.

Because the movie doesn’t end in a fairytale-esque way, many horror fans have a hard time resting after watching it. One Reddit user wrote, “[Soft & Quiet’s] ‘one take’ and the use of style makes it all that much harder to endure.”

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At this time, Soft & Quiet is sitting at a certified fresh score of 84% on Rotten Tomatoes as many critics shower the film in praise.

“Soft & Quiet is intense, chilling, increasingly oppressive, and deeply uncomfortable, even though it keeps off-screen many of their most egregious actions. It’s hard to watch. Maybe that’s the point,” one viewer wrote.

And another fan was eager to give the film’s director her flowers writing, “Beth de Araújo is a brave and bold new filmmaker and this feature debut is nothing short of stunning.”

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For more, check out the new movies premiering this September and keep up with all of the best TV shows streaming this month.