Star Wars child actor reveals what it’s like being turned into a meme

star wars revenge of the sithLucasfilm/20th Century Fox

Ross Beadman – who made his name as a child actor in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith – has revealed what it’s like becoming a meme, working on set, and his hopes of returning to the franchise.

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It’s been 15 years since the Revenge of the Sith was released, the final part of the Star Wars prequel trilogy finally coming to a close.

At the time, none of the prequels were particularly well-received – at least in comparison to the originals, anyway – but in recent years, they have seen a sudden resurgence among fans, competing with the sequel trilogy.

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One star from Revenge of the Sith had only two lines, but has now become one of the franchise’s most popular memes.

Hayden Christensen Anakin Skywalker Revenge of the SithLucasfilm/20th Century Fox
Jedi youngling Sors Bandeam turned to Anakin for help

What’s it like becoming a meme?

Best known for being killed off by Anakin Skywalker, Ross Beadman isn’t exactly the most famous actor, especially considering his scenes as Sors Bandeam happened over a decade ago.

The child star chose to redirect his career and become a video producer and graphic designer instead, but he still has plenty of love for Star Wars.

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In a recent Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Reddit, one fan asked Beadman what it was like becoming a meme in recent years.

“It’s actually great,” he said. “At first it was a little annoying seeing myself tagged everywhere but it’s the only reason why I’ve got some semblance of relevance now… God bless the memes!”

Beadman revealed he had only been paid £90 for his role in Revenge of the Sith, also giving more of an insight into what it was like on set. At one point, he explained Hayden Christensen made him jump to make his scene look more realistic.

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The take apparently took four attempts for Beadman, due to him making “weird facial expressions” which had to be cut out.

The former actor also said he would be open to returning to the Star Wars universe if he was ever asked, saying: “Having this role in Star Wars has positively impacted my life in multiple areas so I can imagine it would just add to that!”

Sors Bandeam may be dead, but with Disney constantly creating more Star Wars content over on Disney Plus, anything is possible.

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