Rick and Morty fans spot sinister Easter egg in Season 7 episode

Still from Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 4, 'That's Amorte'Adult Swim

We’re still recovering from Rick and Morty’s disturbing Season 7 Episode 4, ‘That’s Amorte’ – amid the discussions, some fans have spotted a sinister Easter egg. 

Rick and Morty’s latest episode traumatized the fanbase, spinning a tale about spaghetti and suicide. While some fans loved it, others felt it was far too disturbing – but most felt all of the above.

Thanks to its animated format and sci-fi setting, Rick and Morty is always chock full of pop culture references as well as Easter eggs and callbacks to earlier episodes, with each season building out the universe further. 

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Season 7 is no different, with Episode 4 featuring a sinister Easter egg to an earlier scene. Did you spot it? Warning: Spoilers ahead and some may find this content distressing.

Rick and Morty fans spot sinister Easter egg in Season 7 episode

At the start of ‘That’s Amorte’, Morty discovers that Rick’s “famous spaghetti” – a dish the Smith family had just been chowing down on – is actually the entrails of a man who died by suicide. Later on in the episode, the man in question is actually the ex-husband of a woman who plays in a significant montage.

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You see, Morty finds out the terrifying truth of where Rick’s family dinner came from – a planet where the insides of people who die by suicide turn into delicious spaghetti due to a high level of cortisol.

Still from Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 4, 'That's Amorte'Adult Swim

When this tidbit accidentally comes out, the president turns the planet into a suicide farm in a bid to export tins of suicide spaghetti and boost its economy. A guilt-ridden Morty urges Rick to come up with a solution, and after a clone factory farm ends in disaster, Rick turns to extreme measures. 

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Finding the planet’s last known man who wants to die by suicide – an older gentleman named Fred who is already dying and in pain – he hooks him up to a machine that simultaneously kills him while broadcasting a montage of his life on the screen, for all of the universe to see. 

The montage shows Fred’s ups and downs throughout his life, from birth to the present day. Alongside his passion for architecture, we see his lifelong relationship with a woman named Amber. 

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Still from Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 4, 'That's Amorte'Adult Swim

Initially, they’re high school sweethearts, but they breakup when he goes to college. After years of her rejecting him and bad blood between them, they reconnect when they’re middle aged and Fred has his life together. 

At this point, however, she’s already married to another man with kids. The clip shows Amber telling her husband that she wants a divorce – and a number of eagle-eyed fans noticed that the husband is Lawrence, the same man who died by suicide and was eaten by the Smith family at the start of the episode. 

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Although you can’t see his face while Rick is scooping his insides out in the opening sequence, he’s got the same layered hair as the husband. This is further confirmed when Morty convinces Rick to take him to the funeral of the man they just ate out of respect. A picture of Lawrence shows that it’s the same man Amber was married to. 

Still from Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 4, 'That's Amorte'Adult Swim

Taking to Reddit, one viewer shared screenshots of the funeral and Amber’s husband in the flashback, writing: “It’s definitely the same guy, right?” To which another Redditor responded: “Absolutely, the kids are even in the front bench.” Further elaborating on how the situation played out, one user said: “Lawrence killed himself after his wife left him and got eaten.”

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Rick and Morty Season 7 Episodes 1-4 are available on-demand on Adult Swim now. You can read more about the series below: