Rebel Moon: Zack Snyder’s Director’s Cuts will be hour longer, might play theatrically

Charlie Hunnam in Rebel Moon.Netflix

Following the release of the first trailer for Rebel Moon, writer-director Zack Snyder has been discussing the length of his forthcoming Director’s Cuts, as well as how they might be released.

The Rebel Moon trailer dropped earlier this week, and in our write-up of the footage, we compared the movie to both Star Wars and Dune.

Rebel Moon was shot as two films, with Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire debuting on Netflix from December 22, 2023, and sequel Rebel Moon: The Scargiver debuting on April 19, 2024.

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Snyder also stated that he shot additional footage to release Director’s Cuts of both movies down the line, and has since been revealing more details of what to expect.

Rebel Moon: Zack Snyder’s Director’s Cuts will be hour longer

“The director’s cut is close to an hour of extra content, so I think it’s a legitimate extended universe version,” Snyder told Netflix. “You really get to see a lot. It’s just more painted-in all the way.

“The director’s [cut] is a settle-in deep dive, which I have notoriously done throughout my career. I don’t know how I got into this director’s cut thing, but what I will say about it is that, for me, the director’s cuts have always been something I had to fight for in the past and nobody wanted it. It was this bastard child that I was always trying to put together because they felt like there was a deeper version.

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“With Netflix, we shot scenes just for the director’s cut. So in that way, it’s really a revelation because it gives that second kick at the can for big fans, like a real discovery that they would not [otherwise] get. I’m really excited about it!”

Both Snyder Cuts of Rebel Moon might release theatrically

According to ComicBook, Zack Snyder and Netflix are currently “spitballing about a potential theatrical release” for both Director’s Cuts. While at the event that website attended, Snyder elaborated on his reasons for shooting these additional scenes.

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“There’s two Director’s Cuts, which is crazy,” he said. “Yeah, BvS is one of my favorites, of course. And Justice League, that goes without saying. So it was just cool in the initial conversation I was having with Netflix about just this concept of them saying like, ‘Oh, well, why don’t we make it part of the plan?’ That makes it a lot easier.

“There’s a great history of Director’s Cuts that are just cool. When I was in film school, I just always thought that was cool that there was this other movie that you could discover. And so, for me, there’s a lot of… when you make a movie, you have a lot of voices in your own creative mind telling you what would be narratively just the strongest solution. And then you have this other tug on you. I do anyway, that is like, ‘Well, what if there’s rabbit holes that are really amazing to go down and just kind of learn about different aspects of the characters?’

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“For me, those have always been a thing that in the drawing when I draw the scenes or when I am writing the script, I always end up with a lot of that stuff that I feel like really tells the sort of deeper dive story.”

That’s what we know about these Director’s Cuts thus far. For more Rebel Moon coverage, head here.