Rebel Moon cast explain why Zack Snyder is so divisive

The cast and characters of Rebel MoonNetflix

Rebel Moon, Zack Snyder’s Netflix space-faring epic, is upon us – and a storm of division is already swirling. What is it about his work that’s so polarizing?

Dining on Snyder’s oeuvre is often a matter of heaven or hell for people. He emerged as a ferocious talent with his 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead, a sprint-witted, deviously nasty version of a genre classic – and this would be the first and final time his work (mostly) united opinion.

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He’s one of the most notable and recognizable post-millennium directors, lathering each film with his unmistakable, near-oppressive visual flair, whether it’s a lurid slash-and-spear-’em-up, his tormented vision of DC’s gods and monsters, or… the thing about the owls. That (over-)abundance of style comes at a price: his critics are fierce, as are his fans – and he may be the most intensely debated filmmaker of the modern era.

Rebel Moon, his long-stewing vision of a Star Wars-adjacent space opera, should be nirvana for his loyalists. There’s an R-rated, super-sized director’s cut, but the initial release comes off the back of never-before-enabled creative freedom for Snyder behind the camera. It could be argued as the ultimate representation of his talent loose from the reins; something so singular is unlikely to connect with everyone.

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Rebel Moon cast on why Zack Snyder is divisive

In an interview with Dexerto, the cast of Rebel Moon endeavored to explain the split reception to Snyder. Sofia Boutella, who plays the new movie’s lead heroine Kora, wasn’t as concerned with the ‘why’ of it all: for her, the fact he’s divisive speaks volumes about his talent.

“I don’t know why he’s so divisive. I mean, the simple fact that he creates such an energy from people in such extreme is only a testimony of the amount of work that he’s putting out there,” she said.

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“He’s definitely creating an environment and he’s definitely making people feel something. And that’s the role of a director, whether people like it or not. The simple fact that he is criticized, it means that he is doing the right thing… truly, he’s such an enthusiast and he truly loves what he does.”

This was echoed by other stars. E. Duffy highlighted that such a “strong sense of style” should be divisive; Rebel Moon is incredibly indulgent, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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Staz Nair said: “I think Zack has a very strong aesthetic… it revolves around beauty, physicality, and I think there’s a beautiful level of indulgence when it comes to the stakes and the physicality and the stunts. And some people aren’t into that.

“Some people want to see everything being driven by narrative and by the archetypes. But what I think is wonderful about this movie specifically is this is a beautiful marriage of what people love about Zack visually and also a real deeper dive into him getting the autonomy to create characters and character-driven stories, being that he’s the cinematographer, the writer, and the director.”

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Djimon Hounsou agreed. “There’s more Zack you see here than you would ever see in any of his previous films,” he said.

If anyone from the ensemble is qualified to speak on him, it’s Ray Fisher, once DC’s big-screen Cyborg. He was a key link in the chain of the director’s legacy-defining movie: the Snyder Cut of Justice League; an exercise in excess for some, a rite of superhero justice for others.

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He said: “For me, it’s art. People take from it what they want. I think it’s a true sign of someone expressing what they believe in this medium when it’s not just universally loved, right?

“There is a sense in Zack’s work that requires you to go beyond just what you’re seeing. There’s so many layers to just about everything that he does, and he has a way of taking a genre, subverting parts of that genre, and also elevating it in ways that some folks like, some folks don’t. But, for me, I’m a fan of it, and I know many other folks who are… I’ll keep riding with it, man.”

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Rebel Moon hits limited theaters on December 15 before premiering on Netflix on November 21. Find out more here.