Every quest in Physical 100 Season 2 explained

Physical 100 Season 2 Quest 3 monkey bars.Netflix

Physical 100 Season 2 challenges contestants with the most demanding quests yet. Including cardio, wrestling, and a range of team-based challenges, here is an overview of the quests completed thus far.

Part of the grand appeal of Netflix’s Physical 100 is its unique and dynamic quests the 100 contestants have to go through to move on to the next round and (hopefully) win the prize money. Like the first season, Season 2 has some familiar favorites and some quests that would have even the fittest gasping for air.

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Each quest comes with its own set of rules and guidelines that the contestants must keep in mind to win. Here’s a breakdown of all the quests in Physical 100 Season 2 so far.

Pre-quest mission: Manual treadmill running

The 100 contestants took part in a pre-quest mission that had them running on a manual treadmill to determine their ranking.

Like Season 1, the contestants had to be ranked for the official first quest. In the first season, it was the hanging-man challenge — but this time, around they focused on cardio. A room filled with manual treadmills was revealed to the 100 contestants. The ominous narrator announced the pre-quest mission rules.

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The first round consists of 10 minutes where each contestant’s running distance was logged. By the end of the round, the 50 with the least amount of distance covered were eliminated. The following round was shorter at seven minutes with only 10 of the 50 contestants making it to the final round.

For the final round, the remaining 10 ran for five minutes. The final results will determine the winner who gets an advantage in the first official quest.

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Quest 1: One-on-one Death Match

A pair of contestants battled it out in one of three separate terrains trying to hold onto a medicine ball before time ran out.

Physical 100 Season 2 brought back a fan-favorite quest back from the first season. The One-on-One Death Match saw one of the top 50 contestants choosing an opponent from the bottom 50. They also got to choose their ideal quest terrain. The objective? Battle their opponent to secure a medicine ball before the three minutes are up.

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The person in possession of the ball by the end moved on to the next round. For Quest 1, the competition series changed the terrains and added a third option compared to Season 1. One terrain was a familiar fighting octagon. Another was a circular water pit, with the last being a rough playground option.

Quest 2: Five-on-Five Team Match

Ten teams went up against each other in a race through a complex maze to add weighted bags to three different scales throughout the course. The team with the most secured weighted scales wins.

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Tensions rose as Physical 100 Season 2 had its first teams match. For the Five-on-Five Team Match, 10 captains were selected from the remaining 50 contestants. The captains then formed their teams of five players based on needed strength, agility, and speed.

Two teams faced each other for the chance to come out as winners, with the other team eliminated from the competition series. The quest course was a maze with a supply depot of heavy bags at the center. There were three capture points within the maze with a set of scales.

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Within 15 minutes, the two teams must work together and strategize how to move enough of the supplies to the capture points to tip the scales in their favor. Each supply bag weighed between six to 20 kilograms. The scales remained fixed until the five-minute mark when they tipped towards the team that had accumulated the most weight.

Before the five minutes were up, the teams couldn’t interfere or impede the other’s progress. Teams couldn’t remove or take the other team’s supplies within the capture zone. From then on, the teams could keep adding weight to try and secure a win. In hidden dead ends of the maze, there were extra supplies that were heavier than the rest.

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Quest 2.5: Survival Game

Eliminated teams get a chance to stay in the competition by wrestling each other to secure a pole before time runs out.

During the first season of Physical 100, eliminated contestants were given the chance to save themselves from leaving. The challenge had them try and hold onto their heavy plaster busts for as long as possible.

It’s known as a redemption match with Physical 100 Season 2 having one as well. For Quest 2.5, the rules are simialr to musical chairs. The previously eliminated teams gathered in a pit surrounded by 10 poles. With the timer set to three minutes, the contestants must try and secure one of the poles by hugging it.

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With so many contestants to have been eliminated, there’s another rule. If more than one person is at a pole, the person hugging the symbol is declared the winner. After the three minutes are up, the winners are announced. Each round of the quest eliminated more contestants and poles until only one was the winner. The quest had four rounds in total.

But there’s a catch. The winner of Quest 2.5 gets an advantage. They are allowed to pick four contestants from the eliminated pool to return and become a new team for Quest 3.

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Quest 3: Mine Transportation Match

Taking place in four rounds, the teams must try and secure enough points during a minecraft relay challenge, and push a bag across monkey bars in a mid-air transit challenge.

Before continuing the Physical 100 Season 2 quests, the ominous voice revealed there was a pre-quest challenge to help determine which teams would go against each other. The official quest requires two groups of three teams, with the lowest ranking of each group being eliminated.

For the pre-quest challenge, each team had to choose one member and the leader to perform as many pull-ups within a one-minute time frame. Their total pull-ups were then combined.

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The Mine Transportation Match takes place in four rounds. The winners of each round would receive points for their team. First place is three points, second is two, and third is one. With the points tallied, one team will be eliminated.

For Round 1, each team must delegate two members in a two-person minecraft haul. The first person will realign and secure the minecrafts and push to get to the weighted bags. They must add enough weight as possible before pushing the minecraft back to its starting point and unloading.

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The second member will go back to add more weight to total two tons. The team to finish first wins. Round 2 is the exact same, except it involves only one team member.

Round 3 is the two-person midair transit, with Round 4 being a one-person midair transit. A weighted bag suspended on the monkey bars must be pushed to the endpoint. Once the contestant reaches the end, they must hurry back to their starting point. Whoever achieves this first, gets the points.

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Quest 4: Intrateam Survival Match

The contestants of each team must face each other to secure a spot in the finale in a challenge that requires hauling two weighted rollers as quickly as possible.

The remaining teams were thrown a curveball when the voice announced the teammates would be going against each other. Only one of each team will make it to the final quest. The challenge is simple but requires endurance and strength.

The first-come roller race requires each team member to haul a roller across a field with humps and a water ditch. Each roller weighs 150kg (330lbs) and has straps for the contestants to secure to themselves to pull it. Each contestant must haul the roller across the field, run back to the starting point, and haul a second roller.

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They must try to outbeat each other in speed and time and run back to the starting point as quickly as possible. The person unable to complete the challenge or come in last is eliminated. Each team would go through four rounds until only one person remains.

Quest 5: Final Quest

The remaining contestants take on three challenges to determine a winner from holding weight for as long as possible, heavy squats, to a challenge of grit and strength.

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The final quests of Physical 100 Season 2 were divided into three different challenges to determine the winner. Round 1 was one fans are familiar with as it was the redemption challenge from Season 1. The final four contestants had to hold onto a rope secured to their plaster bust for as long as possible.

Their bust is 40% of the contestant’s body weight, adding a needed challenge. The first person to let go is eliminated.

Round 2 was called “Infinite Squats” and tied into the theme of the series. The final three contestants had to perform 30 weighted squats in each round until one calls it quits. But there was an added challenge. A conveyor belt would add real coal after each round to add more weight, making each set of 30 squats more difficult than the last.

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Round 3 was titled “Pole Push.” The final two contestants enter a dome with a long metal pole that swings around. The goal is simple with one contestant on each end of the pole. When the bell rings, the contestants will push against each other. Their goal is to out win the other and move the pole around to knock over a post. The first person to knock down two wins Physical 100 Season 2.

Physical 100 Season 2 episodes are now readily available on Netflix. If looking for more about the series:

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