Physical 100 fans slam ugly tactics in Season 2 maze quest

Physical 100 Season 2 blue team and maze quest.Netflix

While fans are enthralled by the competitive nature of the quests in Physical 100 Season 2, they have also voiced their distaste towards some teams’ tactics to try and win the maze quest.

This season of the Netflix competition series sees some familiar and new quests for the contestants. Like the first season, the contestants go through a team match. It leads to one team’s success and another saying goodbye to the prize money.

For Season 2, the team’s match came early and involved the contestants joining forces to secure as many weighted scales before times ran out. But as the teams battled each other while sticking to their strategies, many fans chastized dirty play among the teams.

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To gain a winning advantage, some contestants tried to thwart the other’s chances by tackling or trying to steal weighted bags, and fans were not too pleased.

GPT and blue team in Physical 100 Season 2 Episode 4.Netflix

During the maze quest, the rules were that teams couldn’t intervene with the other’s strategy within the first five minutes of the quest. They could also not move the weighted bags of another team within the supply depot.

But as time ran out on the Physical 100 Season 2 quest, some teams decided to play dirty. Outside the supply depot, contestants could do whatever possible to stop the opposing team from reaching one of the scale rooms.

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A fan on Reddit commented, “I know it wasn’t part of the rules and was allowed but I think they both went a bit too far to win I recall a woman red team competitor being dragged on the floor by a blue team member since she wouldn’t let go of a weight. And a red team guy being tackled into the wall by 3 blue team members. Red team members were all over the floor since the second blue team resorted to strength and mma/weightlifting them.”

“I was really disappointed to see the underhanded techniques some teams employed by stealing or blocking. Yes, I know it’s “strategic” for some but I prefer when a team plays fair,” agreed another fan.

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The teams in question were Lee Jang-kun and Hong Beom-Seok’s. Towards the end of the timer, you can see GPT try and steal a weighted bag from the red team. More teammates joined in creating a type of brawl to secure the bags to their advantage. At some point, the female member was dragged to the ground.

GPT is heard commenting, “Once we started tussling, we couldn’t back down.”

Physical 100 Season 2 airs new episodes every week. If looking for more about the series:

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