My Lovely Liar fans have a convincing theory how Eom-ji was killed by “accident”

Song Ji-hyun as Eom-ji in My Lovely LiarBig Ocean ENM

The tvN K-drama My Lovely Liar had fans proven right when it was revealed that Deuk-chan (Yoon Ji-on) killed Eom-ji, but the details of what really happened are unclear – with fans having a good theory.

For years, the public believed Do-ha (Hwang Min-hyun) was responsible for Eom-ji’s disappearance. But in My Lovely Liar Episode 14, Deuk-chan’s brother confessed to the crime under the pretense of being in love with her. He claimed her death was an accident.

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The K-drama threw in a curveball when Kang-min (Seo Ji-hoon) and Sol-hee (Kim So-hyun) realized Jae-chan (Nam Hyeon-woo) was only the fall guy. He was coerced by his brother to turn himself in as the culprit. It was soon revealed the extra couple’s ring Eom-ji and Do-ha used was Deuk-chan’s. But Deuk-chan’s protectiveness over Do-ha was more than friendship when he admitted to being in love with him.

While fans know the truth about who killed Eom-ji in My Lovely Liar, there’s still one unanswered question: how and why did Deuk-chan kill her? Fans are aware of what Jae-chan told the police, but how will Deuk-chan’s story play out? My Lovely Liar fans have a good theory of what happened between Eom-ji and Deuk-chan.

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Jae-chan told the police Eom-ji refused him in the K-drama

During his interrogation in My Lovely Liar, Jae-chan said he went to see Eom-ji to convince her to start dating but ended up accidentally killing her in the woods.

From what fans know about Do-ha’s side of the story, he went to the beach wearing his red jersey under his button-up shirt. When he broke up with Eom-ji, she threatened to end her life and injured herself. After cleaning her wounds, Do-ha left the scene and Eom-ji was alive.

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According to Jae-chan’s testimony, he got an exact copy of their couple’s ring because he was in love with Eom-ji. While watching the soccer game with his brother, he learned about Eom-ji and Do-ha’s fight and went to see her. The man in the red jersey the witness saw was supposedly Jae-chan.

Eom-ji called out Do-ha’s real name because she saw the same red jersey. She later realized it wasn’t Do-ha at all. In Jae-chan’s confession, he explained he found her at the beach alone. He dragged her to the woods and asked to start dating. When Eom-ji rejected him and resisted, he pushed her and hit her head on a rock, killing her.

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Jae-chan claimed he buried her body, threw her clothes in the ocean, and placed her bloody sandals on the beach. He then texted her brother from her phone to make it look like a suicide. The details make sense to what could’ve happened, but My Lovely Liar hasn’t revealed Deuk-chan’s version of the story.

My Lovely Liar fan theory suggests Eom-ji saw Deuk-chan’s ring at the beach

Parts of Jae-chan’s confession could be true in Deuk-chan’s version of how Eom-ji was killed in My Lovely Liar, but a fan theory suggests the extra couple ring was to blame.

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The clue that cracked the case open was the couple’s ring found with Eom-ji’s remains. Do-ha claimed he threw them in the ocean. Kang-min later learned from the jeweler that someone had come in to ask for a new ring in a different size. The contact information implicated Jae-chan, but with Deuk-chan’s confession of loving Do-ha, the ring has another meaning. Some believe Deuk-chan didn’t kill Eom-ji out of jealousy.

A fan on Reddit theorized that Eom-ji likely saw the couple ring on Daeuk-chan and went into a fit of rage. “I don’t think it was jealousy (just my theory). Remember Eum Ji was quite unhinged so she may have aggressively attacked him under the assumption that he and Do Ha were a couple and Do Ha was leaving her for him, and he may have acted in self-defense,” said the fan. Fans know Eom-ji had a stalker obsession with Do-ha.

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When Sol-hee confronted Deuk-chan as the killer, fans heard Eom-ji’s angry voice saying he needed to stop liking Do-ha. It’s likely a memory of what happened at the beach. Another fan agreed about the ring. They added, “She probably said some cruel things to DC because why wouldn’t she (the girl is LK crazy)? DC probably panicked out of fear of exposure or out of pure rage? (Or both I don’t really know). I think he was always going to keep his feelings for Do-ha to himself (I mean he got married and had a child just to cover his feelings) but was caught by someone who is obsessed with Do-ha.”

Fans will have to wait and see the final episodes of My Lovely Liar as Deuk-chan’s side of the story has yet to be revealed.

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You can read more K-drama news in our hub here, how fans felt about Syaon here, and the shocking BL storyline here.