My Demon ending explained: How did Gu-won return?

Gu-won and Do-hee in My Demon Episode 16SBS

Fans wept as My Demon hit its pinnacle point in Episode 15 that saw Gu-won sacrifice his life for the woman he loves but by Episode 16 does he arise from the dead?

My Demon had its fair share of fan theories that prepared some for what was to come. Many had the inkling feeling that Do-hee was in more danger than ever and Gu-won would do the unthinkable. As a demon, there’s one golden rule he must follow. He cannot bring a person back from death or immediately combust into thin air.

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While having left Do-hee to protect her and for his indiscretions involving her parents, he was always there. Do-hee is once again thrust into the hands of Suk-min and his evil plan to get rid of Gu-won or her once and for all. But his plan backfired and left fans sobbing into their tissues.

Gu-won uses his power to bring Do-hee back from the dead, leaving her alone again. My Demon ended well in Episode 16, but how did Gu-won return from hell?

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Do-hee gets a wish granted

After dealing with the grief of losing Gu-won, Do-hee returns to their beach where she makes a wish to Gu-won. Feeling sympathy for the two, God grants it but without the clause of Do-hee going to hell as her payment was already fulfilled thanks to Gu-won.

In Episode 15, Do-hee died after putting herself in the way of the gunshot meant to kill Gu-won. Gu-won uses his powers to bring her back from the dead with a kiss. As she awakens, she realizes what he has done and he combusts and disappears in front of her.

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Do-hee is left distraught and broken having lost yet another person she has loved. While her actions border on possible death by suicide, she makes another choice. She puts on the same blouse she wore when meeting Gu-won and goes to their beach. There, she makes a deal with Gu-won. All she wants is to have him back. The scene changes to show that God has been listening and grants her wish.

In the blink of an eye, Gu-won appears to have been brought back to life. Gu-won is still a demon. But how? Gu-won goes to visit God herself to find out. He becomes worried that Do-hee will be sent to hell for having made a deal.

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But God answers that there’s no need to worry as her punishment for the deal had already been fulfilled. The K-drama goes back to when Gu-won made a deal with her about losing if he can get his powers back and Do-hee lives. Fans will remember that Gu-won did in fact win the deal when he sacrificed his life to save Do-hee’s during the store fire.

It then returns to another scene where Gu-won makes sure his deal after winning the bet is still valid. This was when Do-hee was in the most danger against Suk-min. In the end, the reason why Gu-won was able to return in My Demon is because God had fulfilled an already existing deal with him. Do-hee’s wish to have him back granted the deal.

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My Demon also revealed that Gu-won and Do-hee were fated to meet. The deal her father made with Gu-won was to protect his wife and Do-hee. While her mother was pregnant with her and on the way to the hospital, the ambulance crashed and they were turned away from the hospital. At the risk of losing his wife and daughter, Do-hee’s father made a deal with Gu-won to save them.