Lover Stalker Killer fans uncover “unhinged” details left out of documentary

Still from Lover Stalker Killer on NetflixNetflix

Lover Stalker Killer has sparked a busy discussion, with viewers uncovering a series of “unhinged” details that didn’t make it into the Netflix documentary. 

If you’re a true crime fan, chances are Lover Stalker Killer has been on your radar. The latest Netflix documentary delves into the shocking case of Dave Kroupa, Cari Farver, and Liz Golyar, highlighting the dark side of online dating. 

After Dave’s divorce, he decided to put himself out there, looking for casual relationships. Little did he realize that this would lead him down a horrifying path of harassment, deception, and murder.  

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With Lover Stalker Killer out now, fans have been poring over the details, including a number of shocking revelations that weren’t in the documentary. 

Lover Stalker Killer fans uncover “unhinged” details left out of documentary

Lover Stalker Killer viewers are discussing details about the case after unearthing the court document for Shanna “Liz” Golyar’s 2018 appeal – including that Cari’s employer received a text message saying she was resigning and sending “Shanna Golyar” to replace her.

Due to the 90-minute timeframe, there was only so much ground that could be covered in the Netflix documentary. This has led to questions, with one Redditor writing: “I know a lot is condensed for documentaries, but it seems like there were a lot of moments when the police should have been called IMMEDIATELY.” They then asked: “Since they knew early on that this was a dangerous person that they were dealing with, why was there not a manhunt?”

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However, during the investigation, while evidence suggested Golyar had murdered Cari and was posing as her to stalk Dave, police still had to confirm this – and without a body, it was a timely process. But even before the idea that Cari had been killed came to light, and it appeared as if Cari was stalking Dave, it’s difficult in the US to make arrests unless the perpetrator has physically attacked someone. 

“They can harass you, call you dozens of times, follow you around… But as long as there’s no physical attack, they won’t do anything,” said one person in response to the post. Another asked, “Why didn’t the police look more into Cari Farver’s disappearance especially after her car was found wiped down of any prints except one on the mint candy thing,” to which another replied, “Honestly, and this is just my opinion, I think they just figured she was a ‘crazy ex’ and decided it was voluntary.”

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However, one person who says they work on true crime shows and covered the case has come forward to suggest that the police “should have figured it out in the beginning,” sharing the 2018 appeal court documents that show a number of alarming details. 

“Liz, pretending to be Cari, told Cari’s mom to let Liz in Cari’s house to get a bedroom set she ‘sold’ her. Cari’s mom was texted a picture by ‘Cari’ (Liz) of a check made out to Cari from Liz. Liz f*cking signed her own goddamn name on the check,” they explained. 

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“Not only that, but only a few days after she killed her, Liz used Cari’s phone to impersonate her and texted her job telling them she resigned, and someone named ‘Shanna Golyar’ was going to replace her.” In other words, she used her full name as the “fake” person set to replace Cari’s role. 

They’re not wrong – the full court document can be found here. These details have left viewers shocked, with one writing: “The ‘Cari’ text to her job saying that ‘Shanna’ was going to replace her was such a wild detail to leave out! The investigators really blew it on that.” Another said: “This is actually so crazy… she used her own name? She stalked her mom too? She’s totally unhinged.”

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Lover Stalker Killer is available to stream on Netflix, and you can read more about where Liz Goylar is now here