Invincible: Is Anissa stronger than Omni-Man?

Anissa and Omni-Man from InvinciblePrime Video

Anissa made her terrifying debut in Invincible Season 2 Episode 7, and she’s expected to return in Season 3 — but is she stronger than Omni-Man?

Invincible has made one thing abundantly clear in its first two seasons: Viltrumites are not to be underestimated. In the Season 1 finale, Nolan beat his son to a pulp for the sake of the empire. In Season 2, we saw Allen pulverized by a trio of Viltrumite soldiers, who then traveled to Thraxa to put a beating on Omni-Man and Mark.

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While Season 2 Part 2 has mostly avoided the threat of the faraway conqueror, one arrives in Episode 7 to put Mark in his place: Anissa, one of the most notorious villains from the comics.

After their jaw-shattering fight, you may be wondering: is Anissa stronger than Omni-Man?

Is Anissa stronger than Omni-Man in Invincible?

No, Anissa isn’t stronger than Omni-Man in Invincible.

Please don’t see that answer as downplaying Anissa’s strength: she is extraordinarily powerful, and certainly in a higher league than Mark at this point in the series (or perhaps he’s still holding his true strength back).

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But Omni-Man is among the Invincible universe’s most formidable fighters, perhaps only matched by Allen the Alien (in his current form, after coming back to life) and Thragg, whom we’ve yet to meet in the TV show (no details from us, sorry).

The same question was asked on the Invincible subreddit, with one user replying: “Omni-Man. She’s faster but he’s third-strongest in the Empire so the second he connects a punch or gets a hold of her she’s done. Top 3 are Thragg, Conquest and Nolan; Mark is close and moves up as the series goes on, Thaedus is somewhere in the top five and Anissa is probably in the top 10.”

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“If Nolan and Anissa fight then Nolan would come out as the winner. The statement from GDA about Anissa being faster is because they never saw Nolan move at that speed on Earth, like they didn’t see Nolan on the Flaxan planet where he moved so fast he set everything on fire,” another commented.

Invincible Seasons 1-2 are streaming now. You can also find out more about everything else we know about Invincible Season 3, the show’s soundtrack, and its cast.

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