Howard Stern leaks MCU Dr Doom project filming this summer

Marvel, the Howard Stern Show

Howard Stern accidentally revealed that he is involved in a Dr. Doom project. 

Since the Disney/Fox merger, MCU fans have been clamoring to see the most iconic superhero family, the Fantastic Four, make their debut.

While Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness satiated these desires somewhat by featuring Mr. Fantastic, he didn’t exist in the prime MCU universe. Instead, he was a version of the character from the 838 universe.

Although this was a nice introduction to the Fantastic Four, fans are still awaiting the group within the MCU’s prime universe – 616. And Howard Stern, of all people, might have just given us the biggest indication of when that might be happening.

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Howard Stern leaks MCU Dr. Doom project

The Howard Stern Show
Howard Stern may have accidentally leaked an upcoming Dr. Doom project in the MCU.

During a commercial break on the Howard Stern Show on June 29, Stern’s microphone was left on.

Twitter user WashedUpTweeter managed to capture and transcribe a discussion between Stern and his producers.

Stern tells his producers that he will not be able to speak with them over the summer because “[w]ell, I’m gonna do ‘Doctor Doom.'”

During the discussion, Stern also references Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige (though it appears that he mispronounces his name as Kevin Feigman) and says that he reached out to former Iron Man actor Robert Downey Jr. He also asks if someone has Jon Favreau’s number, which could indicate that Favreau’s character Happy Hogan could be involved in some way.

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While WashedUpTweeter seems to think that Stern will be playing Dr. Doom, it’s not confirmed that he would be playing the titular villain.

Given that Stern has his ongoing, syndicated radio show, it doesn’t seem likely that he would agree to the long-term commitment of playing Victor Von Doom in the MCU. Not only is Dr. Doom the biggest antagonist to the Fantastic Four, but one of the biggest Marvel villains and would figure to be in multiple MCU projects.

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