Heartstopper Season 3 ending explained and episode recaps

Nick and Charlie in Heartstopper Season 3Netflix

Sixth form is in session, and the gang has a whole new journey ahead of them. Here’s everything that went down in Heartstopper Season 3, from episode recaps to the ending explained. Warning: spoilers ahead!

We know what you’re thinking… surely Heartstopper Season 3 can’t be as good as its previous episodes. Yet, with some darker storylines, that’s exactly what it is.

In our own review, we described the Netflix series as having an “effortlessness that the show can continue to inspire, grow, and love more loudly than ever before.”

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Our opinion is all well and good, but what about the nuts and bolts of what actually happened? It’s all here – check out Heartstopper Season 3 in all its glory through our recaps and the ending explained.

Season 2 recap

A few major changes happened when we last saw the gang – Nick officially came out to the world, Charlie got honest about his mental health struggles, and sixth form beckoned for our younger ones (except Elle, who is off to art college).

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The group also has their prom in the final episode, heading back to Nick’s house for the afterparty. Tensions emerge between Darcy and Tara, with Darcy’s absence from the evening revealing the truth about her relationship with her mom.

After they all leave, Charlie and Nick have the mother of all heart-to-hearts, recounting everything from Nick’s coming out to Charlie’s struggle with eating. Then comes a bombshell – Charlie tells Nick that he used to self-harm. Charlie wants Nick to know that he doesn’t need fixing, with Nick making Charlie promise to tell him if he ever feels that bad again.

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Charlie leaves after missing his curfew, falling just short of telling Nick he loves him. Back at home, he writes the big three words in a text ready to send… but the screen cuts to black.

Season 3 Episode 1 recap: ‘Love’

Charlie and Isaac read a book on the beach in Heartstopper Season 3Netflix

The Paris gang is officially back together! The new TV show kicks off with a group trip to Lyme Regis, but it’s clear that all isn’t completely well with Charlie (Joe Locke). While the group frolics on the beach, Nick (Kit Connor) spots that Charlie won’t interact normally and tries to make him feel at ease.

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Isaac (Tobie Donovan) reveals to Charlie on the beach that he might be aromantic as well as asexual. He claims that he doesn’t want to make a big deal of it to the others as he doesn’t have the energy to give them “a vocab lesson.”

When the group sits down to eat a fish & chip supper, Charlie doesn’t touch a bite. Nick notices this, sitting by Charlie to help take some of the group’s attention away from the fact he’s not eating. We see dark clouds come over Charlie as he’s confronted with food, and he isn’t managing well.

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Nick confides in Tara (Corinna Brown) that he thinks there’s something deeper going on with Charlie. It’s revealed that he’s been researching eating disorders in his own time. Nick eventually gets Charlie to go in the sea with him leading to a romantic moment, with Charlie almost saying “I love you.”

When Charlie thinks Nick is going to say it instead, he’s surprised by what actually happens – Nick tells Charlie he thinks he has an eating disorder. Nick is worried about prying too much, but Charlie tries to brush it off as not being anything to worry about.

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Tara and Darcey kiss in Heartstopper Season 3Netflix

Back at Nick’s house, Nick takes a shower when Charlie suddenly gets a burst of confidence to say what he’s been feeling all along. Charlie blurts out the big three words and immediately heads home in a fit of embarrassment.

As he’s walking down the road, Nick catches up with him, sopping wet. Nick asks Charlie to say it again, before replying that he loves Charlie too. The pair kiss under a street light before Nick walks him home (don’t worry – this is exactly what it’s like in the graphic novels).

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Meanwhile, Elle (Yasmin Finney) and Tao (William Gao) are more in love than ever, and before she starts college, Tao wants to have a self-proclaimed “summer of romance.” With this is mind, Tao piles on lavish attention, refusing to talk about or spend time with anyone else. It all gets too much for Elle, who asks if they can go back to how they’d normally spend time together.

Tara and Darcy (Kizzy Edgell) aren’t having an amazing time either. Feeling the pressures of school, Tara is overwhelmed by having Darcy living with her, who also needs a lot of her attention. Darcy tries to reassure her that everything will be okay, and she’s there to support her.

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Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘Home’

Nick on the phone in HeartstopperNetflix

The time has come for Nick and Charlie to face their biggest challenge yet – Nick’s going on holiday, and the pair will be apart for three weeks. Sadly Olivia Colman doesn’t come back for this, but we’re introduced to Nick’s aunt in the form of Hayley Atwell (Diane).

Neither of them copes well in the absence, but it’s Charlie who particularly struggles. His mom immediately scolds him for “having sex” after Charlie came home in Nick’s clothes, worried how their time together is affecting his studies. Tori (Jenny Walser) tries to be the voice of reason but doesn’t get far.

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At school, it’s GCSE results day. Tara has absolutely aced her exams, while Darcy is feeling less enthused (we’re also introduced to her grandma, played by Ted Lasso legend Annette Badland). Mr Ajayi (Fisayo Akinade) approaches Tara about joining Oxbridge prep in the new term.

Charlie and Tori also pick up their results – but Charlie is only looking at Nick’s. He’s done well, with Charlie sending him a snap of his results instead of anything else. Elle and Tao also share in the excitement of doing well. As the group leaves school, Isaac reminds them of plans everyone else has forgotten, and he’s feeling left out.

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Charlie and Tori open their results in HeartstopperNetflix

While Charlie goes home and convinces his mom he isn’t hungry, Nick talks to Diane – a therapist – about why eating orders manifest. She gives a vague response and asks why he’s curious, which Nick brushes off.

Meanwhile, Tori is worried. She’s feeling isolated yet has a lot of love to give, and that all lands at Charlie’s door. She finds out Charlie has also been Googling eating disorders and messages Nick asking when he’ll be back.

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The rest of the gang continues their own struggles. Darcy is avoiding her mom, Tara isn’t coping with pressure, and Elle doesn’t understand why Tao is trying so hard unnecessarily. Tao and Elle invite Isaac over for film night, but he leaves after feeling uncomfortable with their level of PDA. He visits Charlie, unconvinced when he tells Isaac nothing is wrong.

Tao finally reveals why he’s upped his efforts: he’s worried Elle will leave him when everything changes. She reaffirms that she isn’t going anywhere.

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Charlie, unable to eat dinner with the family, calls Nick in a panic. The two can’t properly hear each other and when signal cuts out – alongside Charlie being interrupted by his mom – tensions spill over. Nick tells all to Diane, who tries to comfort him and give him advice. She says love can’t cure mental illness, and their reliance on each other isn’t doing anybody any favors.

Diane explains that Charlie needs professional help, but also that he’s lucky to have Nick on his side.

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Season 3 Episode 3 recap: ‘Talk’

The cast of Heartstopper Season 3 at the zooNetflix

It’s the first day of Sixth Form, and Nick and Charlie cannot wait to see each other. At the girl’s school, Darcy begins to make subtle changes to her appearance, turning up in what is typically the boys’ uniform. While Elle starts at college, Tao is struggling to cope without seeing her all day… letting everyone else know it.

There’s also gossip on the teachers’ side, with Mr Ajayi and Mr Farouk (Nima Taleghani) trying to hide their relationship from the students, which doesn’t last long.

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It doesn’t take long for Nick to tap into Diane’s advice, gently approaching Charlie about lunch times. He offers to sit with Charlie privately to take attention away from being in the canteen. Mr Ajayi begins to hear Charlie’s real feelings while alone in the art room, but this is cut short.

Charlie tries to distract Nick with plans for his birthday, while Tao gets a reality check. The group tells him he’s basing too much of his time around his relationship, which isn’t healthy. Meanwhile, Isaac’s struggles with being the only single one left intensify, leaning on James (Bradley Riches) for support.

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Nick, Charlie, Isaac, and Tao have lunch at school in Heartstopper Season 3Netflix

The gang goes to the zoo for Nick’s birthday, joined by Imogen (Rhea Norwood) and Sahar (Leila Khan). Tao has a go at Isaac when he calls Tao out for not being a good friend, bringing his issues to a head. Elle tells Tao he’s been mean and Isaac is right, leading to a group heart-to-heat to address Isaac’s concerns. Isaac also shares that he doesn’t know how he feels about being both asexual and aromantic.

Tao also notices something is wrong with Charlie, with Nick pleading for him not to bring it up. He’s not eaten anything again, which gets brought up after Charlie has given Nick his birthday presents back at home. Nick encourages him to talk to his parents or a doctor, with Charlie breaking down in tears over how hard he’s finding things.

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Nick sympathizes with Charlie and asks if he can help him approach his parents about how he feels. Armed with a script on a piece of paper, they sit his parents down while Charlie tells all. He explains that his mental health has been bad, struggling with a voice inside his head telling him bad things will happen if he eats or does anything wrong. He acknowledges it makes him angry and stressed, and asks if he can get a doctor’s appointment.

Tori listens in while sitting on the staircase, with tears in her eyes.

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Season 3 Episode 4 recap: ‘Journey’

Charlie struggles to eat in HeartstopperNetflix

It’s at this point in the binge-worthy TV show that we see a time jump. The episode is split in half, told from both Nick’s and Charlie’s perspectives. We start with Nick, who hasn’t seen Charlie in a few months. Tara encourages him to journal, going back to the previous September.

After speaking to his parents about his mental health issues, Charlie gets an appointment with a GP – but is then put on an NHS list for a separate consultation. This isn’t until January… and in the meantime, Charlie worsens.

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Not only is he not eating, but he starts to lash out at Nick, Tao, and Isaac, with the rest of the group still unaware of his eating issues. Charlie regularly breaks down in tears at school, trying to put on a brave face when the group is all together (including when Darcy decides to cut her hair). Nick and Charlie find a private center online, with Charlie starting a two-month stint of recovery there.

Nick shares ways he tried to keep himself distracted in Charlie’s absence, including learning to drive. The group comes together to make a huge effort to include Charlie from afar, while each experiences their own changes. Darcy tries out they/them pronouns, Tara becomes a prefect, and Elle hits 10,000 followers on social media.

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By the time Halloween comes around, Tao is making a ‘documentary’ to make sure Charlie feels included, with it clear how much Nick misses him. Imogen and Sahar kiss at a fancy dress party, with Sahar storming off when she feels used as an experiment. Tao comforts Nick when it all gets too much.

Charlie starts to phone Nick, which lifts his spirits. The family takes Nick to visit Charlie, where we cross perspectives over to what’s happened at the center.

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Geoff in HeartstopperNetflix

Charlie shares he was nervous to start at the center, hearing both good things and horror stories from people who had similar treatment. He’s quickly put at ease when he’s introduced to his support staff, including a therapist called Geoff (Eddie Marsan). He makes friends while he’s there, continuing with his school studies while receiving support.

However, he’s still hating the process. Charlie feels awful and wants to go home, struggling to believe he can get better even when he’s being coached through eating a normal-sized meal. He phones Tao, but reveals he can’t bring himself to phone Nick yet – Charlie isn’t in a good headspace and doesn’t want Nick to worry.

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This brings us to Nick and Charlie seeing each other for the first time at the center. Nick shows Charlie Tao’s documentary, and we properly explore all of the above from the group’s perspective. Isaac says he hopes Charlie doesn’t think he ever has to lie again. It ends with Nick at the Halloween party, telling Charlie he loves him.

Sometime later, Charlie arrives home armed with a meal plan. It’s just before Christmas, and his family is ready to support Charlie as best as they can. He arrives on Nick’s doorstep and the two embrace.

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Season 3 Episode 5 recap: ‘Winter’

Tori and Charlie in bedin HeartstopperNetflix

It’s Christmas Day, and Charlie knows there’s going to be a tough one ahead of him. Tori’s well aware of it too, crawling into his bed in the early hours to find out how he’s feeling. While their families come over – keep your eyes peeled here for the new and improved Oliver Spring – Nick and Charlie try to stay in contact. The group chat wishes each other happy Christmas, with each person trying to get a specific reaction from someone else.

Nick gets a new dog called Henry, while Charlie takes Christmas dinner in his stride. His family asks about Nick, while Nick’s brother lays into him about Charlie.

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Elle and Tao spend the day together, and things heat up in the bedroom. Before it can go anywhere, Elle pulls away, with Tao apologizing for going too far. The pair go for a walk where the truth comes out – Elle wants to be as intimate as Tao does, but is experiencing body dysmorphia when she’s touched. Tao says they don’t have to do anything until she’s really.

Back at Charlie’s, his family start questioning his eating, which results in an argument with his mom about the meal plans. As Charlie leaves to go to Nick’s, Tori says she just wants to spend one day with her brother – she feels as though she’s lost him to his boyfriend. Feeling uncomfortable, Charlie arrives at Nick’s, where he instantly feels more welcomed.

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After arriving soaked through, Charlie changes into Nick’s clothes and manages to eat some toast. It’s not long until Tori arrives, who says she’s worried about him but tries not to treat him as ill. Tori and Charlie return home to spend the rest of the evening with Oliver.

Elle ad Tao dancing in Heartstopper Season 3Netflix

We then fast-forward to New Year’s Eve, where Nick is driving Charlie to a big party. Everybody is there, welcoming Charlie back for the first time. While the group parties and reconnects, Tara feels overwhelmed and has to take time out.

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Elle confides in a friend about how she’s feeling, who supports her to explore if she feels ready. Tori tells Charlie she feels he is her only friend, but meets Michael (Darragh Hand) at the party.

As the clock strikes midnight, everyone finds someone to kiss – all except Isaac, who has happily found a group to celebrate with, including Bradley. Elle and Tao find somewhere private upstairs to have sex for the first time. While Darcy is with Tara, Imogen and Sahar kiss again, unsure of what’s between them.

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As Nick and Charlie kiss under the fireworks, Tori sees in the new year by herself.

Season 3 Episode 6 recap: ‘Body’

Nick, Charlie, and the Jonathan Bailey cameo in Heartstopper Season 3Netflix

Charlie heads back to school, where he’s welcomed with open arms. Through conversations with Geoff, he explains how his journey with eating hasn’t been so easy. He frequently snaps at Nick and his friends but also does his best to be aware of how he’s feeling. On Charlie’s birthday, Nick gets tickets to see his favorite Instagram historian (played by Jonathan Bailey), and the pair realize they both want to have sex.

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Sharing his fears with Tao and Isaac, Charlie is worried about what Nick will think of his body. He’s self-conscious of his self-harm scars, alongside being skinny. At his birthday party, Sahar asks Charlie to join her band at an upcoming fete performance, as they are in need of a drummer.

To everyone’s surprise, Michael shows up, with Charlie revealing Tori has been seeing a lot of him – but refuses to acknowledge they are dating. The group sets up tents in Charlie’s garden, where Imogen and Sahar agree they are better as friends. Elle has been approached by a local radio station for an interview about her viral art, sharing with Tao that she’s nervous about doing it.

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Elle paints a portrait in HeartstopperNetflix

When the group talks about uni, Tara has a panic attack, with Charlie managing to calm her down. A few days later, Nick and Charlie head to see the historian while Elle has her radio interview. Instead of being asked about her work, she’s ambushed about transphobic headlines in the press, immediately storming out. She is devastated, and her parents threaten the station with legal action.

After the event, Nick and Charlie get intimate, but Charlie is too preoccupied with his own fears to go any further. He talks this through with Geoff, who believes Charlie has more confidence than he realizes.

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Season 3 Episode 7 recap: ‘Together’

Nick takes a shower in HeartstopperNetflix

At school, sex is all anyone can think about. During a sex education class, Charlie starts to flirt with Nick, with Tao trying to impart some words of wisdom. Meanwhile, Elle is feeling dejected after her radio interview and becomes disillusioned with her work.

Mr Ajayi puts Charlie forward for Head Boy, claiming the younger students will find him inspirational because of his continued strength. Meanwhile, Darcy comes out as nonbinary to Tara, trying to downplay it because of how much pressure Tara has been under.

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Back at home, Charlie and his mom make their first meal together, directly from his meal plan. The evening is a success, with the pair both stating they should do it more often. Charlie uses his moment to ask his mom if he can spend the night at Nick’s, which doesn’t go down well. When his mom tries to claim Charlie is too ill to be pushing himself, he leaves, annoyed.

Meanwhile, Tao puts on a film night to try and make Elle feel better, making a documentary of her out of the footage he filmed for Charlie. She’s moved to tears, and the pair kiss.

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While each couple is getting physically cozy, Nick and Charlie’s attempts are continuously interrupted. When Charlie appears at his door after the fight with his mom, the two have sex for the first time. It’s not just intimacy on Nick’s mind though, as he’s starting to weigh up where he wants to go to university.

Season 3 Episode 8 recap: ‘Apart’

Nick and Charlie in Heartstopper Season 3Netflix

Charlie and Nick continue to spend more time intimately together, which is clocked by Tori when Charlie comes home in Nick’s clothes. His mom apologizes for snapping, with Charlie explaining he wants to live life as a normal teenager.

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Nick, Tara, Imogen, and Elle road trip to different universities, starting with one closest to Truham. They quickly express desires to move away from the area, which throws Nick through a loop – what does he do about Charlie? While at Oxford, Imogen reveals she’s not sure if she’s ever liked boys, and only went after Nick and Ben because she thought she was supposed to.

One thing Nick has ruled out, though, is a gap year. While the group discusses it, Elle outs Charlie and Nick for having sex, getting Nick to buy condoms in humiliation.

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Back at home, Charlie and the band are practicing for the fete, with Tao and Isaac on hand to cheer them on. After some coaxing, Sahar confirms the song they are performing is about Imogen.

When the group gets to the University of Leeds, they all hate it – except Nick. He wonders how far it would be to get back home for Charlie, completely torn on what to do for the best. He tells the girls that he’s afraid of being away from him.

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Season 3 ending explained

The ending of Heartstopper Season 3 doesn’t reveal where Nick chooses as his university, but his relationship with Charlie is stronger than ever.

It’s a race against time for the uni group to get back to see Charlie perform at the fete. By the time Charlie is ready to go on, Nick still isn’t back – but Charlie takes it all in his stride. They arrive during the first song and dance their hearts out. They smash it, and Charlie’s family and friends are all there.

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Meanwhile, Charlie and Tori have a heart-to-heart. Michael wants to be official, but Tori rejects the idea. She says she’d go through the pain of the year for Charlie all over again, while also opening her mind (and heart) to Michael.

The group enjoys the fete after Charlie’s performance, with Nick and Charlie heading home. They have sex again, except this time, Charlie feels confident enough to take his shirt off. Nick tells him he is hot, and the two enjoy each other all over again.

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Heartstopper Season 3 is available on Netflix from October 3. In the meantime, check out the scenes we’ve been most excited for, why Ben isn’t in new episodes, and the original Heartstopper cast.

You can also catch the best TV shows of the year alongside more TV shows streaming this month.