Does Loki control the MCU multiverse?

Loki in the Season 2 finaleDisney+

The Loki Season 2 finale ended with the Asgardian god discovering his truly glorious, selfless purpose for the good of the MCU – but does he control the multiverse now?

Mischief with varying degrees of menace has defined much of Loki’s journey; he tricked his brother Thor by transforming into a snake, hijacked a plane under the Earth using the name D.B. Cooper, and commandeered the Chitauri invasion that nearly destroyed New York City and killed millions, among many other mishaps and murders.

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Fans may have fallen in love with him as a villain, but his transformation into an unlikely hero has been one of the most fascinating arcs across the MCU, from the moment he tried (and brutally failed) to slay Thanos to his solo adventure across time on Disney Plus.

Season 2 is the character’s most significant chapter to date, leaving him more powerful (and alone) than ever before, and he’s made peace with it. The question is: does he control the MCU’s multiverse now?

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Does Loki control the MCU multiverse?

Loki controls the MCU multiverse… to an extent. He’s the anchor for countless timelines, having stabilized all of time in the shape of a Yggdrasil tree and revitalized dead branches.

After spending literal centuries becoming in an expert in physics and quantum engineering, Loki’s plan to rescale the Temporal Loom still failed. Timelines were multiplying and duplicating ad infinitum, so it would have been impossible for a machine to handle that limitless capacity.

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Loki chatted to He Who Remains, who foresaw all of this from their first meeting. After laying out two choices – kill Sylvie before she murders HWR, thereby protecting the Sacred Timeline, or guaranteeing multiversal war by freeing every timeline – he comes up with his own solution: he destroys the loom, grabs all of the branches by hand, and takes his solitary seat on the throne at the center of time.

You can read more about what the Yggdrasil tree represents here, and how this marks his transformation into the MCU’s version of the God of Stories here, but questions remain about how much Loki can actually control the multiverse.

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One Redditor speculated: “Loki sort of controls (well, more like powers and heals) the multiverse from the center. How much actual control and power he gained in the MCU is yet to be revealed.”

“Loki took over He Who Remains role at the end of time, now the God of Stories. For now, he sits on his throne at the center of the new, infinite Multiverse. Whether he has an active role guiding the timelines or not is yet to be seen, or if he now exists in isolation as its anchor and protector,” another commented.

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“Kind of? He seems to have total authority over time now and is the active centerpiece of the multiverse. So… yes? He doesn’t seem to be actively able to influence the different timelines, but he has control over time and over the existence of the branches. We don’t really know the extent of his powers,” a third wrote.

“He’s not the God of all Stories, he’s the Custodian of the Multiverse. He’s essentially holding everything together rather than controlling what happens within the multiverse, he’s keeping everything in check whilst the TVA look out for Kangs,” a fourth suggested.

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Loki Seasons 1-2 are available on Disney Plus now, which you can sign up for here. You can find out more about Season 3 here and check out our other coverage below:

Loki Season 2 ending explained | Is there a post-credits scene in the Loki finale? | Loki Season 2 finale review | Loki Season 2 cast & characters | When does Loki Season 2 take place? | Who Is Ouroboros in Loki? | What happened to Renslayer in the finale? | Is Loki now the God of Stories in the MCU? | What is Yggdrasil? Multiverse tree explained | How a line in Loki sets up the future of the MCU

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