Doctor Who fans have one wish for the TARDIS

Doctor Who Season 14: Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson inside the TARDISBBC/Disney+

Despite being one of the most iconic elements of the long-running sci-fi show, Doctor Who fans think Season 14 is missing one major TARDIS moment.

Admittedly, Doctor Who Season 14 has been a little preoccupied with setting a few things up. Namely the adventures of a whole new Doctor, with Ncuti Gatwa getting his first full go at playing Fifteen. It’s also been busy unraveling the ongoing mystery of Ruby Sunday, as well as unleashing plenty of other major Season 14 theories.

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But still, there are some fans who are determined for the TARDIS to get more airtime, and in a very particular way. Specifically, they want to get their long-time wish of seeing the other parts of the TARDIS.

Throughout the show’s history, it’s been rare that we’ve stepped outside of the main console room, which features the TARDIS’ core and is where the Doctor can control the time traveling machine. However, it’s been made apparent that the TARDIS is famously huge, and contains other rooms which audiences haven’t been able to see in the modern era.

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As one fan on Reddit put it: “I would just like to see something other than the console room.”

Clearly the sentiment is shared, with other comments saying: “God, I yearn for episodes that leave the console room,” and: “Yeah the library for example. Or the pool. Probably at the same time, I guess.”

“I’ve always wanted to get a scene in the Doctor’s closet with all his outfits,” said another user. “There simply has to be one of those dry cleaner conveyor belt things with every previous incarnation’s outfits on a hanger. Plus alternates, plus some red herrings and Easter eggs. There also simply has to be a companion’s bedroom in there and a galley and a bathroom. Let us see the Doctors WC!”

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The Doctor’s closet was briefly featured in the 2005 Christmas special, ‘The Christmas Invasion’. The episode saw the Tenth Doctor (in David Tennant’s debut episode) go into the wardrobe section of the TARDIS and look through his options before settling on his signature outfit. Still, this one brief glimpse doesn’t seem to be enough for hardcore viewers.

“When they realized they needed outfits in ‘The Devil’s Chord‘ I was hoping to see the wardrobe room so badly, but of course not,” said one comment.

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“The Tardis is the most fantastical element of this show, in my opinion, and it barely is ever used besides the way to take them here and there lately,” wrote another.

There’s still four more Doctor Who episodes to come in the new season, which leaves time for the TARDIS to hopefully get more of the spotlight. Don’t miss a thing by keeping tabs on when the new episode of Doctor Who is out, and check out our ‘Dot and Bubble’ review for thoughts on this week’s installment.

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