Death’s Game ending explained: How Yi-jae was reborn

Seo In-guk as Yi-jae in Death's Game ending.TVING

Death’s Game throws Yi-jae through a complex and exhausting whirlwind of 12 reincarnations, and by the ending, he finds himself in his last life. But does he get to stay?

In the first half of the popular K-drama, Yi-jae was struck with an even greater tragedy when he was reincarnated as model Geon-woo. By fate, he meets ex-girlfriend Ji-soo again and believes he can make this life work and be with her. But Death and fate have other ideas when they are both killed in a hit-and-run by Tae-woo.

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Going into Part 2 of Death’s Game, Yi-jae finds himself stuck in the same cycle as before – but this time, he vows to seek revenge. He now sees his remaining reincarnations as a chance to get back at Tae-woo for killing Ji-soo – even if Death intervenes and stops him from carrying out his plan.

But Death’s deal must be fulfilled, and Yi-jae still has to go through all 12 reincarnations. The question is, who is the final reincarnation, and will Yi-jae manage to stay instead of going to hell?

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Warning: Spoilers ahead!

Yi-jae last reincarnation hits close to home

In the ending of Death’s Game, Yi-jae’s 12th reincarnation is his mother. He realizes the pain he caused her with his suicide and lives out the rest of her life until her death. But Death gives him one more chance, and he awakens back in time before he dies by suicide.

Yi-jae successfully uses his experience from his past lives to bring down Tae-woo and enacts a deliciously righteous revenge. After being reincarnated a few more times, fans realize the reincarnations are all connected. Before the last one, Yi-jae is thrust into the body of the man who died before him years ago on his way to a job interview. Death makes him realize that his dream isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

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The finale episode of the K-drama sees Yi-jae reincarnated as his own mother. Through her, he realizes Death’s lesson of hurting people by his suicide. He sees how his mother suffered since her husband’s death to keep moving on for the sake of her son – even more so when knowing Yi-jae was struggling himself, unable to find a job.

Fans also see the moment she learns of his death and blames herself when talking to the police. As time goes on, Yi-jae feels and experiences all her pain, and how she wishes he would be born to a rich family in his reincarnated life.

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As his mother, Yi-jae hikes into the mountains where he once went with his parents. He falls and is injured at night coming back. Waking up in the hospital, he realizes he experienced the same level of agony and desperation his mother felt when seeing her dead son.

Death’s Game’s ending has Yi-jae monologue that he continued to live as his mother for 32 years – more than his actual time on Earth when he was alive. In a beautiful hillside home, Yi-jae dies peacefully in his last reincarnation as his mother. When re-meeting Death after many years, he begs to have another chance at life, having seen the error of his ways.

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Death shows mercy and gives him one final bullet. If the bullet fires from the revolver, he gets a second chance. Death’s Game ending has Yi-jae pull the trigger and return to the moment before he dies by suicide. Fans see the suicide note under his phone. The phone begins to ring as his mother calls him. He picks up crying, and the K-drama ends. Yi-jae is reborn thanks to his mother.

Death’s Game is streaming now on Prime Video, which you can sign up for here. Read more TV & Movies content here, and K-drama news here.

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