Daemon vs. Aemond – Which House of the Dragon bad boy wins in a fight?

Aemond and Daemon Targaryen scowl at each otherMax

House of the Dragon fans consider Daemon and Aemond Targaryen to be two halves of the same gold coin. 

The princes are both exceptionally dangerous warriors, loyal to their own but with a ruthless streak wider than Balerion the Black Dread’s wings. More than that, the pair are wildly ambitious and would like to be remembered as Targaryen kings, not princes. 

So, with the duo being so similar and clearly loathing each other, and House of the Dragon season 2 just getting started, it’s fun to imagine which of the most petulant princes in the Seven Kingdoms would win in a one-on-one fight. We know we’ll get there eventually, but what can we say? We’re impatient. 

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To work out which prince would win, I’ve broken down the pernicious princes’ key attributes – swordplay, dragon, leadership, smirking, swagger, and hair (we simply must address their hair) – and decided which of them is better, based on my expert knowledge. So, get ready for a take hotter than dragon’s fire… 


Daemon Targaryen in House of the DragonMax

Both Daemon and Aemond are master swordsmen capable of slicing their way through multiple enemies like sharp daggers through cheap silk. Aemond spent his youth being trained by the Red Keep’s man at arms, and Fire and Blood describes him as a dangerous swordsman. Daemon, meanwhile, is well known for his skill with a blade and was knighted at just 12 years old. 

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Yet, of the two, Daemon is obviously the better fighter. The Rogue Prince has more experience – he fought in actual combat during the war for the Stepstones – and is widely considered the most skilled swordsman of his era, capable of despatching opponents like Ser Criston Cole and Crabfeeder.

Beyond that, Daemon has one more advantage: he wields House Targaryen’s ancestral sword, Dark Sister, a Valyrian steel weapon capable of piercing even a dragon’s impenetrable scales. So, sorry, Aemond fans, but if these two princes cross the blades, we promise only one will walk away.

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Winner: Daemon


Vhagar eats ArraxMax

Daemon might have the edge when it comes to swords, but if we’re talking dragons, then the ball is in Aemond’s court. Aemond’s scaly steed Vhagar is the largest living dragon in Westeros (or certainly the largest tame dragon), and you don’t need a maester’s chain to know how Daemon’s dragon Caraxes would struggle against her in a one-on-one battle. 

Sure, Caraxes might have the edge on speed, but when it comes to sheer destructive power, Vhagar is on another level. Don’t take our word for it, though. Daemon admitted to Rhaenys in House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 1 that he’d need her and Meleys’ help if he were to bring down Vhagar. 

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Winner: Aemond… well, Vhagar, but it still counts. 


Daemon Targaryen wears a driftwood crown.Max

There’s more to being a mighty warrior than knowing that you stick your enemies with the pointy end or having a big pet lizard. It takes charisma to command an army and lead soldiers to victory. Both Targaryen princes are considered great leaders who know how to motivate their men.

Daemon famously defeated the Triarchy in Stepstones with a ragtag army, and he still commands the loyalty of the Gold Cloaks to this day (even after several purges). Meanwhile, Aemond may lack the practical experience of his uncle, but as the king’s second son, he will have learned everything there is to know about warfare and inspiring loyalty in his followers. 

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Indeed, we know from Fire and Blood that Aemond will spend some time as Protector of the Realm when Aegon is ‘incapacitated,’ and he seems to do an effective job. Still, as Daemon has more experience and managed to get himself crowned King of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea through force of will alone, we’ve got to give it to the older Targaryen. 

Winner: Daemon by a whisker. 


Aemond wears an eye patch and smirks across a drark room.Max

When it comes to a sly smirk across a council table, Aemond and Daemon are unmatched. They’ve both mastered looking needlessly self-satisfied as if they’re the cleverest people in any room they walk into. In fact, in the entire history of Westeros, only Peter Baelish, aka: Littlefinger, is capable of a more irritating little grin. So, it might be a cop-out, but we’ll have to call this one a draw. 

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Winner: Draw


Daemon Targaryen looks nonplussed as he reads a letter.Max

If there were an Olympic medal (or whatever sports they play in the Seven Kingdoms) given for looking nonchalant during disaster, then Daemon and Aemond would both be going for gold. The pair are experts at slouching their way through calamity and looking non-plussed at catastrophe. 

Still, of the two, you get the feeling that Aemond’s putting on a brave face. We’ve seen that mask slip a few times now, most notably when Vhagar turned Lucerys into whatever the Westeros equivalent of a Lunchable is. In season 2, we also saw Aemond crying a little (Editor’s note: Good for him; expressing yourself is important). 

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Daemon, meanwhile, really gives off the vibe that he doesn’t give a f*ck. Sure, he gets angry and frustrated, but that seems to be borne out of the fact he can’t stab his way out of every problem… and when he can stab his way out of a problem, he does. It’s not exactly big dick energy, but it’s close. 

Winner: Daemon


Aemond Targaryen shows off his si8lky silver hair.Max

All Targaryens are blessed with an impressive mop of silver hair, and Daemon and Aemond have some of the silkiest locks in the Seven Kingdoms. We’re afraid, though, that while Daemon’s pearly curtains are glorious, Aemond’s long, luscious white mane is so beautiful we wouldn’t be surprised if bards composed sonnets and songs about its general loveliness. Sorry Daemon, but Aemond’s barnet is head and shoulders above yours. 

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Winner: Aemond

The winner takes it all… 

If you were hoping that Aemond would triumph over his uncle/brother-in-law (Targaryen family trees are more globes), then I’m afraid you were deluding yourself. Aemond essentially spent his life cosplaying as Daemon and we’re afraid that this try-hard tribute act can’t compete with the real baddest boy in Westeros. The winner is Daemon!

If you’re a dedicated scholar of Westerosi history, you’ll love our guides, which break down everything you need to know about A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and Otto Hightower. We’ve also got a piece comparing Game of Thrones viewers and House of the Dragon viewers, and even House of the Dragon casting rumors. Finally, if you want to explore more Targaryen secrets, we’ve written about how an Aegon the Conqueror spin-off may hold the answers to one of the show’s greatest mysteries.

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