3 Body Problem ending explained

3 Body Problem SophonNetflix

The 3 Body Problem ending sets the stage for a galaxy-altering conflict with the San-Ti. Here’s the full rundown on how the episodes finish and what it means for the future of the Netflix series.

Liu Cixin’s acclaimed sci-fi novels have reached the masses in a major way thanks to a big-budget Netflix adaptation led by the Game of Thrones showrunners.

And while 3 Body Problem isn’t without its faults, the introduction hooks viewers into its larger-than-life conflict as an ominous alien race inflicts its will on humanity amid its 400-year trek to Earth.

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But where exactly does the Netflix series conclude and what does the ending mean for the future of the series? We’ve got you covered with the full explanation below.

It goes without saying but spoiler warning from this point on. We’ll be discussing the final episode of 3 Body Problem Season 1 in great detail so do not continue reading if you haven’t yet seen the finale.

3 Body Problem ending: Wallfacer Project established

3 Body Problem Wallfacer ProjectNetflix
With the Wallfacer Project in focus, Season 2 is set to follow their private schemes against the San-Ti.

The 3 Body Problem ending jumps ahead to the second novel in Liu Cixin’s trilogy, with Episode 8 of the Netflix adaptation getting the next chapter in the story underway early with the introduction of the Wallfacer Project.

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Saul Durand is selected as one of three Wallfacers, individuals tasked with “the most difficult mission in human history.” The idea of the project is to have three Wallfacers devise secret plans to defeat the San-Ti without divulging their intentions to anyone else.

As the San-Ti can see and hear everything we do on Earth thanks to their Sophons, Wallfacers must keep these grand schemes entirely in their minds.

Despite pushing back against his selection and even being shot in the process, Durand eventually comes to understand the nature of his position as one of the most important humans alive.

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Stairway Project fails

3 Body Problem on NetflixNetflix
Despite their ambitions, the Stairway Project ultimately fails shortly after getting off the ground.

While the Wallfacer Project is being established, the Stairway Project ultimately falls short. With Will’s brain sent up into space, the goal being to reach the San-Ti directly before their arrival on Earth, the plan quickly crumbles.

Despite a few successful detonations along the ‘Stairway’ into orbit, one slight pivot between the charted course and what’s left of Will is sent careening into outer space. Unable to be retrieved or redirected yet again, the project fails its goal and Will’s brain is simply lost out in the vast universe.

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Moments after realization sets in, we see Wade whisper something into Jin’s ear, however we’re not privy to exactly what was shared. Perhaps there’s more to this project than first meets the eye and we’ll be let into this private conversation in a future episode.

Wade readies for cryofreeze

3 Body Problem on NetflixNetflix
Wade is a key target of the San-Ti, one they’re not letting out of their sights anytime soon.

After the Stairway Project falls short, Wade’s next plan involves fast-forwarding through the 400-year wait for the San-Ti. By freezing himself, the plan is to defrost and wake up every few decades to check in on humanity’s progress.

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Knowing his intentions all too well, the San-Ti sends Wade a chilling message while flying back home to start his cryofreeze.

“You are a part of our plan,” Sophon says to him on his private jet. “Whatever we want you to see, you will see, until the day you die.” A brief countdown then appears before Wade is shown a terrifying image of his own corpse sitting right next to him with his eyes gouged out.

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Set to be traumatized for centuries to come, the San-Ti clearly has a plan for Wade and it doesn’t seem they’re eager to let him go about his business in a calm and orderly fashion.

“If one of us survives, we all survive”

Tatiana Haas in 3 Body Problem on NetflixNetflix
Tatiana is set to play a vital role on Earth as the San-Ti approach.

While the above is happening and many of Earth’s remaining ‘best and brightest’ work towards solutions for the looming San-Ti threat, others are doing the exact opposite, helping facilitate their arrival.

Potentially serving as the new leader of this welcoming committee on Earth, Tatiana Haas is shown near the conclusion of Episode 8. Although Judgement Day is gone, along with its hundreds of ‘Lord’ worshippers, Haas is still around to lead the cause for future generations.

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Seemingly recognizing her potential, the San-Ti somehow delivers a game headset to a mysterious, off-the-grid location. It’s here she receives a message from the aliens directly:

“We are not done speaking to you. You are a part of something much larger than yourself. You are a part of us and we need you.”

Exactly where this leads and how Tatiana serves the San-Ti moving forward all remain a mystery for now. But beyond the ever-present Sophons, it appears the aliens have no shortage of physical representatives on the ground too, centuries ahead of their arrival.

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“For the bugs”

3 Body Problem on NetflixNetflix
Just like bugs, humans have proven to be a resilient bunch.

The 3 Body Problem ending concludes on a somewhat optimistic note, the final scene showing Da Shi rallying Jin Cheng and Saul Durand. Plucking them out of their defeatist lull, Da Shi takes them to a nearby swamp for some uplifting remarks.

Referencing the dramatic Episode 5 cliffhanger, wherein the San-Ti took over every screen on the planet to display the chilling “You are bugs” message, Da Shi reminds the remaining Oxford Five members just how resilient bugs truly are.

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“People hate bugs. Been trying to get rid of them forever. Look around… They’re not going anywhere.”

Inspiring the duo alongside him, he stresses the team has “work to do” and they all walk out of frame. Gearing up for the San-Ti invasion 400 years away, it’s clear not every human is set to take the looming threat lying down.

3 Body Problem is now available to stream on Netflix. Read our review, find out more about the cast, whether you need to read the books before, and catch up with other amazing TV shows to stream this month.

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