Woman left stunned over property damage from Bath & Body Works wallflower

Woman stunned after Bath & Body Works wallflower stains through granite countertopTikTok: karlamarieoliver

A woman has taken to TikTok for advice after her Bath & Body Works wallflower stained through one inch of granite countertop.

Karla, who goes by ‘karlamarieoliver‘ on TikTok, took to the social media platform after discovering her Bath & Body Works wallflower had been seeping through her granite countertop.

Showcasing the wallflower where it had been plugged in underneath the countertop, Karla then revealed a large stain on the top side.

“My Bath and Body Works wallflower absorbed through 1+ inch of granite and stained the top,” she wrote, before asking viewers whether they had any suggestions on how to fix the situation.

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“Honestly, it’s fine. I will try putting it in rice,” she joked, before clarifying the wallflower had only been plugged in again to show TikTok users where the stain originated from.

Viewers were left shocked, pointing out that granite’s low permeability made the situation all the more baffling; “As a geologist my jaw is on the [floor because] granite is very impermeable meaning liquid has a hard time passing through it.”

Luckily, Karla isn’t the first to encounter this issue, with users claiming the stain would likely fade over time and that any cleaning attempts would likely prove futile.

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“Same thing happened to me!!!! It will fade but it will take 2-3 weeks!!!! A cleaner won’t work [by the way]. Just give it time and hopefully yours will fade too!” one person wrote.

This isn’t the first time Bath & Body Works products have resulted in undesired consequences, from exploding car air fresheners to TikTok users claiming they suffered from headaches after buying through the company.

“I thought I was dying from being continuously dizzy. Had blood tests run, MRI, you name it. It was the damn plug-ins making me sick the whole time.”

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