Woman exposes cheating groom at Las Vegas bachelor party and it goes viral on TikTok

Woman exposed cheating groom at bachelor partytianawiltshire/TikTok

A woman has gone mega-viral on TikTok after trying to find the fiancee of a guy she met in Vegas who supposedly cheated on her while at his bachelor party.

Tiana Wiltshire made a video on TikTok in the hopes of finding a bride whose groom had cheated on her at his bachelor party in Las Vegas.

In her first video about the situation, which has gained over 24 million views in four days, Tiana said she’d been in Las Vegas for a vacation when she and her friend had come across a group of guys celebrating a bachelor party.

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One of her friends pointed out that she’d seen the groom with another girl the day before, implying that he had cheated on his bride at home. They quickly decided they wanted to find the guy’s bride at home so they could tell her what had happened.

She went on to say she’d approached the groom to “test the waters” and to find out his Instagram so she could contact his fiancée.

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She said: “So I went over and I just went like ‘hi’ like ‘where are you from’ whatever, and he was super flirty. And I said ‘oh are you the one getting married?’ and he said ‘umm supposedly’ – something like that.”

She explained that the whole group was wearing pink hats and that she was hoping to find his future bride to tell all of this too.

In an update, she explained that another woman had contacted her, saying she’d been hanging out with the group on the Friday. As she had the group’s Instagram handles, she went on to send them Tiana’s video, only to be blocked by the whole group.

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Despite Tiana’s good intentions, she was quickly met with comments saying she had no business in trying to tell the bride, as “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” which several commenters reminded her of.

One person even said: “It’s a bachelor party. You’re supposed to cheat. If you don’t, you’re a loser.”

However, a second person said: “As a Vegas local, THERE IS NO SUCH THING as a loyal bachelor party. They all lookin to cheat on their girls.”

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However, thousands of commenters said they were desperately trying to find the groom and his fiancee. But Tiana soon told them to stop, as she’d had several brides telling her they’d been contacted by the viewers only for it to be the wrong guys.

At the end of her last update, Tiana revealed that she’d found the right person and said she hoped she was doing okay, but that she wouldn’t reveal anything else about the situation.

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“Because then you’ll be able to find the wife and she just doesn’t need to be like, put on blast any more than the situation already has,” she said. “But thank you for getting it over to where it needed to be, and I really hope that she’s doing okay.”