What is the ‘tiny portion’ trend on TikTok? Viral relationship test explained

What is the 'tiny portion' trend on TikTok?TIKTOK: andy.and.michelle, themacfamily

TikTok users are going viral by participating in the ‘tiny portion’ relationship test trend. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

From the infamous Orange Peel theory test to the popular ‘Take a look at my girlfriend’ challenge, TikTok is brimming with couple trends that thousands of users worldwide partake in.

The latest one to take off is the ‘tiny portion’ relationship test, which users claim is an easy way to determine how much your partner loves you. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

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What is the ‘tiny portion’ trend on TikTok?

The ‘tiny portion’ trend sees TikTok users serving their significant other a regular or large portion of food while giving themselves a noticeably smaller or tiny portion. They then record their partner’s reaction.

In one viral clip with over 5.1 million views, content creator Michelle served herself a small portion and then sat down to eat with her husband. “Babe, what is that?” he asked. “Why do you have so little? That’s like five percent of what I have.”

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“That’s all we had left,” Michelle responded, prompting her husband to switch their plates around quickly. “You eat to your heart’s content,” he told her. “You eat until you’re full, you’re full after two to three bites. Eat as much as you want and then I’ll have yours.”

Thousands of viewers in the comments applauded her husband for his reaction, deeming him “a green flag” and saying she married “the right guy.”

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While passing the ‘tiny portion’ test requires just a bit of basic etiquette, some people are still failing miserably at the trend. In TikTok couple Zach and Hailee’s video, Zach continued to eat his food, leaving his partner hungry. “Why did you give me so much? Why didn’t you split it up evenly?” he told her.

The trend is racking up millions of views on TikTok as more creators participate in it and reveal whether their partners passed the new relationship test.

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