Waiter reveals how he trolls customers who seat themselves in restaurant

waiter trolls customersTikTok: dylanpcarlino

A waiter revealed what he says to customers who seat themselves during his restaurant shift – and it wasn’t good.

TikToker and waiter Dylan Carlino revealed that his “favorite” part of his restaurant job is “punishing people for poor behavior.”

During his shift, if he sees a group of customers sit themselves without talking to a host or a waiter, he then lets them sit at their table without service for at least twenty minutes.

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When the table finally flags him down to tell him that they haven’t received service yet, he sarcastically questions them about the dirty dishes that were still on their table from the previous customers.

Though he knew that the dishes didn’t belong to them, he continued to troll them by saying, “That’s not how restaurants work,” when they finally admitted to seating themselves.

He then said he would make the customers get up from the table and go to the host station to wait for an available table with the other restaurant-goers.

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By the end of his viral TikTok rant, Dylan said that his job title included the responsibilities of a “judge, jury, and executioner.”

After his TikTok circulated the platform, plenty of food service workers added their own experiences in his comments.

“My favorite thing ever was ignoring self-seaters for 20 min and then asking them to move for the reservation party,” wrote one.

“My favorite part is while working as a hostess, were the ones who would say, ‘Well there should be a sign!’ and I would gesture to the sign they walked past,” added another.

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One viewer even suggested that Dylan reprint the previous table’s bill and hand it to the new customers at the table with dirty dishes on it.

In other food news, TikToker ‘ZeroDollarTips’ went viral in June for revealing they saved $150 in just one week from not tipping.

The TikToker revealed that they refuse to tip no matter how well-established the restaurant might be.

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