TikTok mom furious after commenters “fat shame” her infant child

TikTok mom Arianna Schlossberg and infant daughter.TikTok: schlossed4life

The mother of an infant girl explained in a viral TikTok video her experience with several women who fat-shamed her daughter.

A self-proclaimed “mama bear” of a baby girl has recently taken to TikTok to address her experience with fat-shamers who have not only torn her down as a mother figure but also her ninth-month-old for being ‘too big.’ 

The mother, Arianna Schlossberg, 30, hails from Michigan, where she has had to face multiple women commenting on her daughter’s body.

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Schlossberg has now addressed her experience with the hate comments, as well as the growing confusion she has as to why adults of 2023 continue to fat-shame a baby who has zero control over how they weigh. 

TikTok mom Arianna Schlossberg and daughter.TikTok: schlossed4life
TikTok mom Arianna Schlossberg and daughter.

Schlossberg’s nine-month-old baby called “full” 

Over the course of her daughter’s nine months of living, Schlossberg explained to TikTok that she has already faced a total of seven women who have commented on her daughter’s body and weight.

Flabbergasted by the scrutiny of not only women, but other mothers of 2023, Schlossberg said that the younger generation of kids are “always” going to be mean, but addressed how she is essentially appalled by adults, saying, “But moms? I freaking expect more from you.”

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Though Schlossberg believes her daughter is “perfectly proportioned,” that hasn’t stopped onlookers (like her friend’s mother-in-law) from insinuating her baby girl is too big, saying that she is “full.”

Schlossberg went on to explain her confusion, asking her followers, “What are we doing to our little girls?” She then took a stand for her daughter and said, “It is, I believe, my job to help her feel confident about her body and who she is.”

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Those in her comments section were quick to support the mother, saying, “She’s a BABY that’s so ABSURD I cannot even process this or acting like this.” 

While another shared her similar experience, saying, “This happened with my daughter. I was so happy that she was chunky too, because she had been diagnosed as failure to thrive previously!”

The controversy surrounding Schlossberg being criticized for her daughter’s weight has also sparked a conversation about those subjected to such comments, as a recent report from mental health experts has warned people that those who face negativity about their bodies are more likely to adopt a self-conscious mindset.

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The report also shared their advice on how to attain body positivity, saying, “Body positivity is a continuous journey towards accepting yourself and others. It takes patience and practice to alter longstanding cultural beliefs and learn self-compassion.”

Though Schlossberg has unfortunately had to rise above her baby’s critics, she brought awareness to fat-shaming and allowed women to share their experiences – an issue that some high-profile influencers have also spoken on in the past, such as TikTok star Addison Rae.

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