Target employee stunned to find himself online after being unknowingly filmed at work

Target employee stunned to find himself online after being unknowingly filmed at workTikTok: mitchelliguesss

A Target employee was left stunned after a customer filmed herself harassing him at work and posted it online.

Target worker Mitchell, who goes by ‘mitchelliguesss‘ on TikTok, took to the social media platform to clear his name after discovering a customer at his workplace had secretly filmed him.

The footage that was taken of him showed Mitchell allegedly checking out a customer while she was bending over, however, he explained there was much more to the story.

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Sitting in his car, Mitchell stated it was the customer who had acted inappropriately and “sexually harassed” him while on the job — all to create content for her online account.

“So a couple months ago I was at work, doing my job — you know, giving out excellent customer service per me — and this girl walks up,” Mitchell began. “The way she’s talking is very [different]. She’s being very inappropriate with me… just makes me uncomfortable.”

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Despite her behavior toward him, Mitchell decided to “just try to do [his] job.” But while helping her with a purchase and offering advice, the customer suddenly bent down to “point at something.”

“Her bottom of her dress is cut. I just see her entire f****** ass,” Mitchell said, revealing the reason for his shocked reaction in the customer’s video. And to confirm that he wasn’t staring with any creepy intention, Mitchell added; “I am gay. Wrong tree in the wrong neighborhood. Wrong f****** area code. Like no, no thank you.”

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After being filmed, Mitchell told Target’s leadership about the situation. However, the story didn’t end there. Months later, another customer recognized Mitchell after spotting the video taken of him online; “She put this sh** on [the internet] and I like freaked the f*** out… this potentially could be recognized in this video that makes me look like a pervert for the rest of my life.”

The customer at fault for the video ultimately hit back, stating Mitchell was “pissed about nothing” and should “take the free clout.”

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“You came into my job and harassed me, okay? You ain’t [going to] sit here and tell me how I am and I’m not [going to] f****** feel about what you did,” Mitchell responded, slamming the customer for her lack of remorse. “I am still trying to speak out against what you did because you are normalizing it and it is not okay.”

While viewers insisted Mitchell should seek legal advice and sue the customer, he explained this was not possible due to where he resided; “Georgia is a one consent state when it comes to recording and documentation.”

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“Basically I have no legal recourse, at least not state. I don’t know about federal,” Mitchell explained, asking “anyone who is knowledgeable in law and pro bono” to chime in with some advice.

Many TikTok users quickly rushed to the comments to offer Mitchell their insight on the legality of his situation, with one person writing, “I believe, having been a photographer, even if it’s a one-party consent state (usually that’s only audio) if they are using it for commercial purposes it’s illegal.”

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