Student disgusted after professor states her attire “encourages fantasy”

Student disgusted after professor states her attire encourages fantasyTikTok: aaaabbbbyyyyyyyyy

A student was left disgusted after her college professor commented on her outfit, stating the attire ‘encouraged fantasy.’

Abby, who goes by ‘aaaabbbbyyyyyyyyy‘ on TikTok, went viral after sharing the comments her college professor left in his grade for the honors presentation she made in class.

Rather than simply comment on her work, he chose to discuss her clothing choices and claimed they encouraged others to “fantasize” about her.

“I got an email today from my professor that I’m like 99% sure constitutes sexual harassment,” Abby stated.

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A student at the University of Memphis, Abby shared what exactly was written about her attire; “While I really liked it that you dressed for the occasion of your presentation, the short skirt that you chose to wear could be distracting to some folks in your audience.”

“You did remain behind the computer station during most of your presentation, so your attire truly did not distract your audience,” the comments continued. “The issue with clothing that encourages fantasy is that it has the potential to distract from your presented content.”

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Abby showed off the outfit in question, which featured an oversized cardigan, a pencil skirt “that reaches mid-thigh,” shorts, and stockings. She also claimed there was no dress code for the presentation, making the professor’s comments all the more ‘violating.’

And to make matters worse, Abby revealed she wasn’t the only student to receive “inappropriate” comments from the professor. Another girl in her class who had worn a “T-shirt and jeans” was told her “tight shirt was distracting” due to her “shapely form.”

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Feeling “grossed out,” Abby went to the head of the psych department to complain about her professor’s comments; “He responded and said ‘Hey, that’s not OK. That’s not supposed to happen. Shouldn’t happen. Super concerning.’ So he reached out to the Title IX office.”

However, Abby admitted she did not like the Title IX office at her university due to previous dealing with them and didn’t trust they would take the situation seriously; “I have zero confidence.”

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Nonetheless, she ultimately agreed to a meeting and reached out to the other student who had received comments on her outfit. Updating her fellow student on the situation, Abby learned that there had been multiple occasions where the professor had made girls in his class feel “uncomfortable.”

As of now, there is no further news on how the university decided to deal with the situation and the professor’s comments. Viewers advised Abby to “record everything” and bring a lawyer to the meeting, stating the professor “should be reprimanded and fired.”

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