Singer dying of cancer releases final song with all revenue going to her son

Singer dying of cancer releases final song with all revenue going to her sonTikTok: cat.janice

A singer battling cancer announced early this year that the disease ‘had won,’ releasing her final song in a bid to raise money for her son.

31-year-old singer and songwriter, Cat Janice has been battling cancer since she was first diagnosed with Sarcoma back in early 2022, sharing her journey via TikTok.

An extremely rare cancer of the bones and soft tissue, Janice underwent numerous treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation before finally being told she was cancer-free in July 2022. However, the celebrations were short-lived.

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By June 2023, the cancer had returned and this time it was in her lungs. Janice posted in early January of this year to update viewers that the cancer had “won,” sharing that she only had a few ‘weeks or months’ left.

In a bid to leave something behind for her son, Loren, Janice changed the rights to all her music so that the proceeds would go to him after her death.

She also wrote and released a final ‘farewell song,’ called Dance You Outta My Head, to raise money for her son and leave loved ones with something fun to remember her by. Sharing the song on TikTok, Janice said, “I want my last song to bring joy and fun! It’s all I’ve ever wanted through my battle with cancer.”

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With millions following Janice’s story and sharing her music, Dance You Outta My Head charted at number five in the world on Apple’s iTunes. Janice thanked her supporters on TikTok, writing, “All of this is because of you guys. I am so lucky to even be alive. Let alone with such an amazing strong family of Music lovers by my side.

“My son and I will forever be grateful. I feel like I can rest in God’s peace from all of your love!! Just so wild.”

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Janice was also awarded for Pop Songwriting Excellence by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), with thousands of fans offering their praise for both Janice’s music and strength in her battle against cancer.

One person wrote, “Cancer hasn’t won!! You’ll stay with us forever thanks to your music, to the memories we have of you, and to all the love we have for you.”