Plane passenger sparks debate after battling child over window shade

plane passenger battles kid over window shadeTIKTOK: vmaymah

A plane passenger has gone viral on TikTok after sharing her battle with an ‘entitled’ kid who kept closing her window shade.

TikTok user vmaymah sparked a debate on the video app, after filming a child who tried to control her window screen while flying on an airplane.

“It’s my window,” she declared in a viral clip, which has racked up over 18.4 million views. In the video, the plane passenger was seen raising her window shade so she can enjoy the view of the clouds.

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However, a random kid sitting in front of her suddenly intruded into the frame, and tried to close her blind. The TikToker then took it upon herself to lift it back up, which the little boy wasn’t happy about, as he quickly pulled it right back down.

When he tried to close it again, the frustrated woman stopped it with her hand mid-way and ripped it back up. The boy’s hand lingered by the window for a bit, before it finally shrank away.

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Many viewers defended the TikToker, and stressed that the window belonged to her seat. “Not him trying to close UR window,” one user commented. “Like why is his hand all the way back there,” another said.

“If I sit next to a window, I want to look out of the window….. who closes the window blind on a day flight?” a third shared. “I LOVE the direct confrontation,” someone else added.

Others, however, sided with the kid. “He’s a child he probably just wants to sleep,” one person argued. “I agree with him, can’t stand when people have the window open all flight,” another wrote.

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“I don’t really think that’s completely your window.. that’s more like a shared window,” a third commented, to which vmaymah replied: “He has a window directly next to him.”

This is just the latest flight-related moment to go viral on TikTok; last month, a woman sparked a debate after reclining her seat on the airplane, while the passenger behind her shoved her seat forward.