Pilot ‘shocks’ passengers with generous gift during 7-hour delay

United Airlines pilot orders pizza for passengersTIKTOK: ladyt98tanya / UNSPLASH

A pilot has been praised for treating flight passengers to dinner after an emergency landing led to a lengthy delay.

After an emergency landing resulted in a 7-hour delay, a United Airlines pilot gave flight passengers a delightful surprise by ordering 30 pizzas to a New Mexico airport.

The pilot turned around an already “disheartening” situation by personally ordering pizzas for the 150 passengers at the gate from a local restaurant. This gesture “completely shocked” everyone, according to passenger Tanya Stamos, who spoke to Fox News.

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“Most organizations do not go above and beyond, but that captain did not hesitate,” Tanya said. “His display that evening is what we should have more of: selfless acts of love, compassion and humanity.”

United AirlinesUNSPLASH

Fox New reported that a United Airlines flight from San Francisco to Houston on September 13 had to make an emergency landing in Albuquerque shortly after takeoff when a passenger collapsed in the bathroom and needed medical attention.

This left 150 passengers stranded at the New Mexico airport for several hours, waiting for accommodations as their flight was rescheduled with a new crew.

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Tanya, who shared the story on TikTok, said the airline provided $15 food vouchers. But, with most of the airport restaurants already closed, they couldn’t be used right away. That’s when the pilot stepped in and took matters into his own hands by grabbing enough pizzas for everyone on the flight.

In her video, the pilot can be seen handing out pizza to the passengers. Tanya noted that he made sure all 150 of them were served before making a plate for himself.

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The sweet gesture kept passengers fed and content until they were able to board a new flight around 11 p.m., seven hours after landing.

They arrived safely in Houston around 2 a.m., Tanya told Fox News, adding that the pilot stood at the front of the plane, thanking passengers for their patience as they deplaned.

“As it was my turn to exit the plane, I shook his hand and thanked him,” she said. “Everyone behind me then followed suit and shook his hand as well.”

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While this pilot has been praised for ordering pizza for passengers during a delay, another pilot went viral earlier this year for causing a delay by ordering pizza for his crew.