Man shocked after $40,000 “holy grail” discovery in storage unit

storage unit findsTikTok: storagepirate

A man bought a storage unit with over $40,000 worth of items inside.

TikToker Storage Auction Pirate often buys storage units for thousands of dollars, just a fraction of the price of items typically found inside.

After purchasing the unit, Storage Auction Pirate is allowed to keep, sell, or throw away anything and everything he finds.

Fortunately, in one of his recent dives, he found $40,000+ worth of items that he is now deeming as the “holy grail” of finds.

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Previous owner of storage unit has “panic attack”

When Storage Auction Pirate got a first look into one of the three units he purchased, he excitedly exclaimed, “Shut the f*ck up!”

As he circled the unit, he pointed out a statue and said, “This is what I was talking about… these things go as high as 40 grand by this artist right now.”

Storage Auction Pirate then showed his 569K viewers a bench worth hundreds of dollars. He also came across “Fiesta-ware,” to which he said, “That’s what you wanna see.”

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He continued to explain how he knew there would be “cool stuff” in the unit because the previous owner had a “panic attack” about leaving behind “antique” china.

And he was right, as he said the china inside the storage unit was “quality,” unlike a lot of glassware that he usually comes across.

Though Storage Auction Pirate was stoked to have found what he did, he didn’t clarify if he’d keep or auction his findings to others for the right profit.

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