Man mortified after cupcake vending machine blasts music during order

Man mortified after cupcake vending machine blasts music during orderTikTok: awestin_the_pilot

A man was left mortified after an airport vending machine blasted music, shamelessly announcing his cupcake order to passersby.

Airports have been the subject of many viral stories as of recent, drawing in people from all walks of life and often making headlines for the bizarre antics that take place there.

Now, one man’s time in an airport has seen him go viral on TikTok for something far less serious and a whole lot more amusing — his vending machine order.

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TikTok user ‘awestin_the_pilot,’ a self-described “happy songwriting pilot,” took to the platform to share his embarrassment when the vending machine he was using announced his order by blasting music.

“Today I learned that those cupcake machines at airports BLAST music when you order,” Awestin wrote, the video showing his cupcake slowly being delivered to him with a merry tune playing in the background.

“I love sprinkles. Yes, it’s true, yes, it’s true,” the vending machine sounded, making it clear to all passersby what exactly Awestin was treating himself to.

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“This is so embarrassing,” Awestin said, quickly grabbing his cupcake from the machine. In the caption of his TikTok, Awestin revealed that the music had resulted in everyone looking at him for the duration of the order.

Despite his embarrassment, viewers were amused by the situation and took to sharing their own experiences with singing vending machines.

“This happened to me at the airport at 8 am and it was a Carlos Bakery [and] it screamed ‘WHO WANTS CAKE?!’ And then a jaunty little Italian tune,” one person wrote.

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Another said, “I had just gotten broken up with over the phone when I bought a cupcake from this thing and when the music played I started crying.”

While some claimed they would simply “walk away in shame,” others pointed out that the tune was an effective marketing strategy; “It works though, I heard the song in line at Starbucks at the Las Vegas airport and followed it Pied Piper style to buy a red velvet cupcake.”

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