Joey Swoll slams demand for “segregated” workout facilities from TikToker

joey Swoll slams segregated gym ideaTikTok: thejoeyswoll

Joey Swoll doesn’t back down when it comes to his opinions on gym etiquette – especially when a gymgoer demanded that workout facilities be separated according to genders.

In a recent TikTok shared by fitness influencer Joey Swoll, he broke down why segregated gyms aren’t good for the community. 

His rant didn’t come unprompted, though. He shared his viral opinion after a gymgoer pleaded for separate gyms according to genders.

“Maturing is realizing we need to have women, non-binary, LGBTQIA+ only gyms. I’m in the corner panicking because there’s so many straight cis men at the gym,” they said.

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That’s when Joey went off – “No! We absolutely do not. We do not need segregated gyms,” he exclaimed.

“Let me get this straight… You’re panicking because of some straight men, but you have time to set up your camera and film yourself panicking, seriously?” he added.

He then went on to explain why the gym community needs to stay together: “The whole world is so set on trying to divide everyone, make everybody hate each other, think that we’re all different.”

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“The gym is one community, it doesn’t matter your race, your gender, your sexuality, your politics, your religion. As long as you respect and support others, you’re gonna get the same back. Everyone is welcome at the gym,” he said.

Joey went as far as calling the gym-goer out for “rage-baiting” for views, and added that maybe they needed a “home gym” if they were going to try and separate the community.

While some viewers in the comments of his viral TikTok pointed out that their gyms are naturally divided by genders, others agreed that the community does not need segregation.

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“Gym is for all. No need for division,” said one.

“Absolutely! Let’s lift each other up and spread the positivity,” added another.

Joey’s opinion on segregated gyms isn’t the only disagreement he’s had this year, though. In March, the fitness influencer slammed a gymgoer for mocking a disabled individual during their workout.

The gymgoer then emphasized that Joey’s online rant about them helped them to gain even more followers and attention.

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