Joey Swoll gets woman’s gym membership canceled after she mocked man working out

Joey Swoll talking to camera while sat in camera alongside woman filming man in gymTikTok: Joey Swoll

TikTok star Joey Swoll managed to get a fitness influencer’s gym membership canceled after she tried to ridicule a shirtless gym-goer and then hit out at “keyboard warriors” who called her out. 

Over the last few years, there has seemingly been an increase in gym-goers recording themselves working out. That has also come with others going too far the other way and mocking their fellow gym-goers for their techniques and, in some cases, looks.

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Some influencers have stepped up and called out those unruly gym-goers, but no one has been more successful than Joey Swoll. The bodybuilder has created a massive following on social media thanks to his callouts of people being disruptive in gyms and during workouts. 

His most recent one came on February 14, calling out fitness influencer Allie Singer – also known as The_rippedbarbie – after she put a man on blast for working out without wearing a shirt.

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Joey Swoll gets influencer’s gym membership canceled 

Allie’s video prompted some backlash as many viewers questioned why she’d done it in the first place. She ultimately called some of these viewers “keyboard warriors” and urged them to come see her in person. That prompted a response from Joey.  

“Listen, I get it, you want to train at a gym where everyone keeps their shirt on – fine, but this gym isn’t one of them. I called Absolute Recomp in Texas and their rules say you can train with your shirt off, and you signed up there,” the TikToker said. 

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“Therefore you need to follow the rules, including the rule that says you don’t film people without their consent to post on social media – and people tried to tell you this!”

Swoll added that the influencer will no longer be able to use that gym either as he spoke to the owner about the situation. “Your membership has been canceled, you need to do better. Mind your own business,” he concluded. 

Allie has since gone private across Instagram and TikTok, and it is unclear if she’ll address Joey’s video anytime soon. 

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Even if she does, it won’t stop Joey from calling out gym-goers who don’t follow the rules or respect their fellow gym-goers.

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