How to get the viral ‘celebrity birthday twin’ filter on TikTok

Jimmy Fallon trying out the celebrity birthday twin TikTok filter.TIKTOK: jimmyfallon

The ‘celebrity birthday twin’ filter on TikTok has taken the app by storm, as it allows users to find out which famous personality shares their birthday.

One of the latest effects to take over users’ For You Pages on TikTok is the ‘celebrity birthday twin’ filter, which allows you to input the month and day of your birth before it reveals the famous person born on the same date.

So far, over 969,000 posts have featured this effect, with thousands of users going viral by sharing their results, comparing with others, and reacting to the surprise of finding out who their birthday twin is.

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How to get the ‘celebrity birthday twin’ TikTok filter

If you want to try out the this viral TikTok filter and find out who your celebrity birthday twin is, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open TikTok.
  2. Click on the plus icon to open the camera.
  3. In the bottom left corner, tap ‘Effects.’
  4. Click the magnifying glass, and search for ‘BIRTHDAY CELEBRITY.’
  5. Tap on the filter of the same name to apply it.
  6. Enter the month and day of your birth.
  7. Watch as the filter reveals your celebrity birthday twin.

TikTok users have been loving sharing their results of this filter, with many amassing thousands of likes and views on their videos.

If you want to try out more of TikTok’s most popular filters, you can check out our guides here:

How to use the Invisible Body filter on TikTok | How to find your ‘celebrity height twin’ using the viral TikTok filter | How to get the ‘girl dinner’ filter on TikTok | How to get the Gender Swap filter on TikTok | How to get TikTok’s viral Time Travel filter

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