First ever ‘bring your own banana’ event in NYC draws big crowd to Bryant Park

bring your own banana event in nycInstagram: dailymail

A huge crowd gathered in NYC’s Bryant Park and brought their own bananas as part of a viral event.

On Sunday, June 9, Bryant Park in New York City was packed with eager strangers and even more bananas. 

In the first ever ‘bring your own banana’ event, hosted by a group that calls themselves the ‘League of Legends,’ people brought their fruits to eat with others who joined.

If they weren’t eating a banana, they were eating some form of fruit like one person who shared their halved watermelon with another attendee.

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The group didn’t exactly state the reason for the event, but in a post that went viral, a participant said that the banana-eating shindig was “nature healing itself.”

During the event, a couple in wedding attire shared in banana delight as they both bit into the fruit. A dog was even there enjoying a tasty yellow snack.

One person in attendance also mentioned how people associate “violence” with New York, when really, “everybody just likes chilling out and eating fruit.”

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Cheese ball man from the April 27th event at Union Square Park was even there. Though he wasn’t eating a banana, he was picking from a gigantic jar of cheese balls yet again.

“I’ll eat this banana to honor the world,” another event-goer yelled as they stood on top of a chair in the middle of the park.

One woman who was told about the comical get-together also joined in and took to TikTok to relay how epic her Sunday was.

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After she and her friend followed a line of people to the location, the crowd cheered, “banana, banana, banana.” They also waved their bananas in the air like lighters at a concert.

Viewers of her viral post agreed that the ‘bring your own banana’ event was “so New York.” Another added that they had FOMO [fear of missing out] after not seeing the flier for the get-together.

Being that such big crowds gathered in light of bananas — and cheese balls, there’s really no telling what the next random food celebration in NYC will be. 

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