Ex-cruise ship worker reveals horrifying reason they throw free ice cream parties

Ex-cruise ship worker reveals horrifying reason they throw free ice cream partiesTIKTOK: darastarrtucker / UNSPLASH

An ex-cruise ship singer has left TikTok viewers horrified after revealing the morbid reason they throw free ice cream parties for passengers on board.

Content creator Dara Tucker (darastarrtucker) went viral on TikTok, after alleging that there’s an eerie reason why cruise lines do ice cream giveaways aboard the large ships.

In a short clip, the former cruise singer responded to a commenter, who theorized that if the amount of ice cream available goes up while on a cruise, it means they need “more freezer space for a body.”

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“This is unfortunately often true,” Dara claimed. “If the crew suddenly makes a bunch of ice cream available to the passengers – free ice cream party – it is often because more people have died on the ship than they have room for in the morgue,” she said.

“If more than seven people died on that particular ship, they would have to start moving bodies to the freezer, which meant they needed to make room in the freezer,” she continued, “so they would have to take out a lot of the ice cream and other frozen goods in order to make room for the extra bodies.”

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Dara said that she worked on a cruise ship around 10 years ago, and spent about six months living on the vessel. “Thankfully, we didn’t have to deal with this kind of stuff, but we were friends with some crew members who did,” she shared.

She revealed that four to 10 people would die on board every cruise they took. “There are a lot of older people on ships,” she added, saying that the ship she worked on carried around 3,000 passengers.

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Her video amassed over 2.3 million views, as thousands of horrified viewers shared their thoughts. “The frozen foods go where bodies are put sometimes?!?!” one person exclaimed. “OMG reason #876000003 why I just cannot get on a cruise ship,” another commented.

Others couldn’t believe Dana’s claims, but she was backed by experts in the overseas industry. “Cruise ship medic here. Can confirm the morgue and ice cream correlation,” one user said.

“Former sailor here – yes. It is accurate,” another shared. “We don’t wear our covers on mess decks, and sometimes space needs to be made in the freezer.”

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