Couple shocked after finding secret manhole 20ft under their jacuzzi

couple finds manhole while renovating homeTikTok: hayleyg099

A couple found a hidden manhole 20ft beneath their jacuzzi while renovating their home. Though they have plans for the extra space, they’ve run into one big problem.

In March, a couple found a hidden room behind a bookcase in their house. They even called the police to investigate, as it felt eerie to them.

But that’s not the only time someone has found a secret room in their home. This April, TikTokers Trevor and Hayley were renovating their living room and decided to remove their misplaced jacuzzi.

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After they pulled the jacuzzi up from the floor, the couple realized they may have uncovered an even bigger problem. Once they did a bit of personal investigation, they discovered a manhole 20 feet below their living room floor.

That’s not all, the manhole leads into Lake Huron, an open body of water in Michigan. Hayley noted in her and Trevor’s viral TikTok that it is “impossible to pump the water out” since it’s connected to the lake from a 6-foot pipe.

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Despite the water in the manhole not leaking into the couple’s home, they shared what they’d like to do with the extra space. “We are going to keep exploring it and if possible we will drain it and maybe create a game room or bowling alley lane down there,” Hayley told Newsweek.

Hayley also shared with the news outlet that people who found out about the manhole theorized where they thought it came from. “The wildest theory we’ve heard is that it was used in the prohibition days to smuggle alcohol over from Canada since it’s so close,” said Hayley.

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Though they’ve had trouble finding a way to rid the space of the water, only time will tell if Hayley and Trevor’s big plans for the manhole will come to fruition.