YouTube accused of using “illegal” adblock detection in Premium sub push

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YouTube has been accused of using an “illegal deployment” of AdBlock detection tech in their push to get users to subscribe to YouTube Premium, their service that provides ad free viewing.

Over the last few months, YouTube has continued to crack down on people using browser plugins to block ads in videos uploaded to the site.

If the website detects that you’ve installed adblock, it will limit you to just a few videos before disabling your access to view uploads entirely.

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Privacy expert Alexander Hanff has accused YouTube of using “illegal” adblock detection, and filed a complaint with Ireland’s Data Protection Commission.

YouTube accused of “illegal” detection of adblock plugins

On October 19, 2023, Alexander posted a thread on Twitter/X about his concerns as well as the complaint for others to submit themselves.

“Today I filed a formal complaint against YouTube with the Ireland Data Protection Commission for their illegal deployment of adblock detection technologies on the basis that such a deployment requires consent under Article 5(3) of 2002/58/EC,” he said in the first tweet.

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In the rest of the thread, Hanff shared the link to the DPC’s website as well as the content of his complaint for pointers if others want to do it as well.

“If the DPC receives only my complaint it won’t get attention for at least 18 months – if they receive 10 000 complaints it will seriously eat into their budget (it costs money to handle complaints) and will “motivate” them to act much faster,” he added.

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YouTube hasn’t responded to the complaints as of writing, but we’ll be sure to update you if they do. In the meantime, you can keep it locked to Dexerto for more news.