Video of Samsung satellite crash-landing in yard leaves viewers shocked

tiktok space selfie videoTikTok: Gianni.Corsica

A viral video of a Samsung satellite crash-landing in someone’s backyard has left viewers shocked, with many wondering how it happened.

What goes up, must come down, and this comes into play with nearly everything launched into space.

Parts of rockets or out-of-service satellites usually have a set plan in place for their return to Earth, however, the item’s trajectory is usually planned to land in a giant field or ocean.

A Michigan family in 2019 was shocked when one of Samsung’s “Space Selfie” balloons landed in their backyard, and a recent re-upload of the scene has gone viral on TikTok yet again.

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Viral video of crashed Samsung balloon shocks viewers

Uploaded on February 3, 2024, the clip from 2019 has amassed millions of views and over 13,000 comments from users on TikTok.

In the clip, you can hear a female talking about how she heard the device crash land in their backyard before walking up to it to examine the balloon.

According to an article from The Verge in 2019, the company eventually came and collected the debris out of the couple’s backyard.

Viewers quickly flooded the video’s comments with many sharing their thoughts on the once-in-a-lifetime incident while some gave some context for others.

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“This was Samsung’s Space Selfie tech that was only meant to get as high as the stratosphere. Was never in space,” one user replied.

Another commented: “I would deny them access to my property without a big check for the inconvenience.”

“That’s a Samsung for ya,” a third viewer said.

Being that the viral clip came from an incident in 2019, it’s a prime example of how social media can be used to reshare some of the world’s most interesting moments.

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