RTX 4090 could cost over $2000 according to leaked prices

RTX 4090 GigabyteTwitter / Wxnod

The RTX 4090, believed to be officially revealed next week, may be priced at over $2000, according to one Vietnamese retailer who is currently listing pre-orders.

AZPC, a Vietnamese PC company, primarily focused on Workstation and business-focused PCs is currently offering RTX 4090 pre-orders, despite the card not being officially announced. The company is currently offering two different SKUs, a $2100 “Basic” model, and a $2520 “Premium” model.

It should be noted that the retailer also did something similar for the RTX 3090, which ended up at retail for around $1500 USD at launch, so there may be some fluctuations with the official pricing of the GPU. However, according to additional leaks from YouTuber Moore’s Law is Dead, the RTX 4090 may end up being around this price.

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It’s likely that stock will be hitting retail channels fairly soon, but it’s not likely that any retailer actually has RTX 4090s to hand just yet. However, we are seeing further leaks of the packaging of the RTX 4090, which appears to be using a more rounded font, compared to the older Ampere generation of cards. In the latest leak, we can see a Gigabyte RTX 4090 box being prepared.

From here, the boxes will then need to be kitted, then sent over to retail channels across the globe. This process may take around a month or so, and so we’re putting our bets on a late-October release for the RTX 4090, though we’d be happy to be wrong, and see the GPU come slightly earlier.

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The release dates of the RTX 4000 GPUs have been flip-flopping for a while, but it finally appears that the Lovelace lineup will be sold in parallel to Ampere cards, so we may even be seeing the RTX 4080 and RTX 4070 releasing this year, too. Nvidia is still struggling to shift stock of older cards, so you should expect that Lovelace will be priced a little bit higher, in order to entice customers into purchasing an older-generation RTX 3000 card.

Either way, we’ll be finding out very soon if this leak is true, and what the exact pricing and release date of the brand-new graphics cards will be, hopefully at GTC 2022.

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