Netflix CEO reveals reason behind missing Vision Pro app

User wearing Apple Vision Pro with Netflix logo in the backgroundApple/Unsplash

Netflix app won’t be available on Vision Pro when it launches next week, and the company’s CEO is here to explain why.

Netflix is the biggest streaming service out there. It can be used on almost every device, whether it’s your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or smart TV. However, one platform it won’t work on is Apple’s upcoming VR headset. You will be able to use the service through the web, but there won’t be a dedicated app, apparently because Vision Pro is not big enough for Netflix.

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The company revealed last week that the Netflix app won’t be available on Vision Pro when it launches nor will it let users run the iPad version. Now the streaming service’s co-CEO explains the reason behind this controversial decision.

Vision Pro is not big enough for Netflix to make an app

In an interview with Stratecherry, Netflix’s co-CEO Greg Peters explained that there won’t be enough Vision Pro users to make it worth the company’s time to develop a new app. Peters says “the device [Apple Vision Pro] is so subscale that it’s not really particularly relevant to most of our members.”

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Peters went on to say, “We [Netflix] have to be careful about making sure that we’re not investing in places that are not really yielding a return,” before adding that the plan is to “see where things go with Vision Pro.”

The executive suggests that Netflix might be available on Vision Pro in the future when the user base increases. But, as it stands right now, you won’t have a dedicated app on your $3,499 Vision Pro. You can always access the streaming service through the web.

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Apple Vision Pro VR headset against a colorful backgroundApple

Not making a dedicated for a niche product like Vision Pro is still somewhat understandable. But Greg Peters didn’t offer a real explanation for why Netflix couldn’t at least let users run the iPad version of Netflix on the VR headset.

For those unaware, Netflix has a version of its iPad app accessible to Vision Pro testers, and it has been working fine. However, for some reason, it won’t be available for everyone else.

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YouTube and Spotify apps will also not be available on the VR headset. However, you’ll have access to more than 250 other apps, including Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, and Paramount Plus.