Modder combines 200 RGB PC fans to make screen that plays Doom

a screen made up of RGB fansReddit

A modder has created a usable screen using 200 RGB fans that can play Doom, display videos, and more.

Most PC gaming components and accessories seem to have the option to have RGB lighting installed. Many PC builders like to play around with the RGB to create a specific effect, such as blue LEDs in a white case for a frosty feel, or using lighting to spell out specific messages. One modder took this to the extreme by putting together 200 RGB fans to create a screen that can be used to play games and videos.

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The Reddit user responsible for the project – appropriately named DaKrazyKid – posted a video of the unusual screen in action. The video starts with an animation of the infamous Nyan Cat, followed by the old-school meme Peanut Butter Jelly Time. But, that’s not all about the memes, the screen was showcased using a game of Tetris, which looks surprisingly playable.

This is all topped off by the modder running Doom. The video concluded by showing off Rick Astley singing “Never Gonna Give You Up”.

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Nyan Cat and Rick Astley on a screen made of fans

According to DaKrazyKid, all the RGB fans used in the project were provided by the company Be Quiet! A notable manufacturer of PC components, particularly PC case fans. The screen itself seems to be drawn using a program called SignalRGB, a free app that allows users to control and sync all RGB devices together.

a screen made up of RGB fansReddit

Replies on Reddit ranged mostly from impressed to amused, with some lamenting that they were Rickrolled once again. Some users pointed out that the RGB fan screen becomes much more legible if you are short-sighted and you take your glasses off. We tested this theory out for ourselves, and while it might be easier to see, you probably shouldn’t get rid of your tried and true monitor just yet.

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