Is the Samsung selfie drone phone real?

YouTube: Multi Tech Media

With various viral videos circling the internet, you might be wondering if a Samsung selfie drone phone is on the way. But, is it real, or is it bunk? We find out.

There’s no lack of ideas or mock-ups of unrealistic products. Fans dream up concepts of what they’d like to see from their favorite brands, and I don’t blame them. You might have come across designs of a Tesla smartphone, a funky Apple foldable, and the latest viral video features a purported “Samsung selfie drone phone”.

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A lot of concepts never become real because they’re either impossible to make into actual products, or would cost too much. So, does the Samsung selfie drone fall into the realm of imagination, or is it actually coming soon?

Several fancy-looking YouTube videos appear to suggest that Samsung has a smartphone with a drone built into it. The drone detaches from the phone and can be used to click pictures. Pretty cool, isn’t it? But, don’t get your hopes up too much.

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Is a Samsung Selfie Drone phone coming out?

Sadly, the Samsung selfie drone phone isn’t a real product. The Korean company has never released such a product, and there are no reliable sources suggesting they’re working on it. The only rumors about the Samsung selfie drone phone stem from unreliable sources, or YouTube channels with mockups.

The YouTube video below depicts an animation of the fanmade smartphone in action. The drone seems to be integrated into the upper edge of the phone, popping out and taking flight when activated. It boasts three cameras and even includes a flashlight.

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Several other videos on the internet showcase the fictional Samsung drone phone, but it’s important to note that this isn’t an actual product. If you are looking for the latest Samsung smartphone, get the Galaxy S24 Ultra or explore the best Android phones.

Why there will never be a Samsung Selfie Drone phone

We hate to say it, but it’s unlikely that Samsung will ever release a selfie drone phone. The technology required to make such a product simply doesn’t exist yet, and we don’t see it happening anytime soon.

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Smartphones are incredibly complex devices, and a tremendous amount of engineering effort goes into every component.  Considering the size constraints of fitting a drone inside a phone, it’s practically impossible.

Also, smartphone batteries aren’t big enough to power a drone of that size. Even if the drone had a built-in battery and somehow fit inside a phone, it wouldn’t be able to fly for long. Plus, stability would be a major issue, as even a light breeze could easily blow it away.

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Forget about all the physics and practical stuff for a moment and just imagine if such a phone existed. It would probably be incredibly unreliable. Picture yourself flying it, only for the battery to die mid-air and the whole thing crashing down. That alone would be a huge problem. Needless to say, there are tonnes of other concerns that you might have about the phone too, like how it all connects, replacement modules, and more. You get the picture, so don’t bet on Samsung making this one a reality any time soon.