iPhone user begs for help after adult video won’t stop playing

iPhone on wood backgroundUnsplash: @lastly

An iPhone user has taken to Reddit to ask for help after the name of an adult video they were watching refused to leave their “Now Playing” lock-screen widget.

Released alongside iOS 16, lock screen widgets on iPhones have given users easy access to some of the most used tasks on their phone.

One of the most used widgets available on iOS controls your current or most-recently listened to audio.

Sometimes, it can show off some of your more private moments on accident as one Redditor recently found out.

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iPhone Now Playing widget shows users adult video interests

In a post on the iPhone Subreddit, user Mister_Rogers called for help after the name of an adult video he just watched was stuck on his lock screen widget.

“Help making this go away?” he asked. “So I watched a type of video on my phone a few days ago. It is no longer open in any web browser, it is not saved on my phone, yet every now and then when my Bluetooth connects this shit pops up on my Home Screen. Any idea why it’s doing that?”

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In just hours, the post has been upvoted 2,400 times and has received over 350 comments.

Other r/iPhone users were quick to share their thoughts, with some even trying to help the OP.

“Play some music or something on the music app,” one user replied.

“This is the best post I’ve seen on here in like 7 years… The real question is why you like hairy hairy a*s,” a second Redditor commented.

A third recommended: “Go to your browser that you used, then go on YouTube in the browser and play a video on there.”

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Many others just recommended restarting the device, and OP revealed that the notification went away after they installed the latest iOS 17 update.

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