iPhone 13 users report multicolored lines ruining display after iOS 17.1.2 update

iPhone 13 with multicolored lines on the displayDegenerateTuna/Reddit

iPhone 13 users are getting multicolored lines on the display after installing the latest iOS security update.

Apple released the iOS 17.1.2 update recently, fixing two critical security vulnerabilities that were putting your iPhones at risk.

While the security update has generally been well-received, iPhone 13 users have taken to Reddit to report a peculiar issue. They claim that their phones’ displays have been plagued by multicolored lines after installing the latest iOS update.

iPhone 13 displays plagued by flashy lines

Several iPhone 13 users are reporting multicolored lines on their phones after the iOS 17.1.2 update. The issues seem to be affecting only the base iPhone 13 model and not the Pro variants, at least for now.

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One iPhone 13 user who was affected by this issue wrote:

“Was working pretty nicely when I was in the car, came home to this monstrosity. Updated my software yesterday. Didn’t drop my phone anywhere. Tried force restart and everything. Even settings. Nothing. Please help.”

Another user mentioned encountering the same issue on their iPhone 13 three weeks ago. When they took their phone to the store, they were asked to pay for a full-screen replacement.

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While restarting the phone doesn’t seem to help, one user reported on Reddit that their phone returned to normal after a restart.

The display issue is claimed to have arisen after users updated their phones to iOS 17.1.2. If the problem is indeed caused by the update, Apple might be able to address it with the next update.

This isn’t the first time iPhones have been affected by lines on the display. The same issue occurred with the iPhone 14 Pro models earlier this year; however, Apple was able to resolve the problem with a software update.

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