Everything you should do before gifting tech: Downloads, updates & more

Tech gifts for Christmas

Getting a brand-new smartphone, tablet, or games console as a gift can be amazing, but there are some pitfalls to avoid if you want to give your giftee the smoothest experience possible.

Cool high-tech gadgets can make great presents. We all know someone who is really into tech, or just someone who loves gaming and would appreciate having a Steam Deck or Oculus Quest gifted to them. However, there are a few things that you need to think about if you plan on gifting electronics. Our guide will make sure your gift stays merry and bright over whatever big day you might be celebrating.

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1. Buy from a legitimate seller

Buying online can be a minefield. There are all sorts of clever scams out there that sell fake, useless, dangerous, or non-existent products. Even sites like Amazon and Walmart are not always safe since scammers posing as legit third-party merchants have cropped up there as well. Always be sure to check the fine print, look at several different sellers, and check the MSRP. Always remember, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

2. Unbox Everything

I know it goes against the grain to take gifts out of the box before you wrap them up for your loved one. But, this time it is really important. There have been too many stories in recent years of customers opening a box only to find instead of an expensive console or computer that there are bags of cat litter or dog kibble. Some crafty online sellers have also been known to send fake products in boxes that look genuine, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

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PS5 internal packaging

3. Turn it on

There is no harm in making sure something works before you give it as a gift. Plug it in, charge it up, and make sure it powers on and works as intended. Long journeys can be hard on electronics, and not all sellers and carriers are as careful as they could be. Far better than your loved ones experiencing the disappointment of a defective gift.

4. Check for updates

If you are giving someone a phone, tablet, or games console it is a good idea to check that there are no updates that need to be installed. This is especially true if you are giving a gift like this to a child. Waiting several hours for an installation bar to slowly crawl across the screen is no fun at all.

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5. Pack it & wrap it

Thankfully, most packaging for modern devices is fairly straightforward to reassemble. Things like cables usually come with little cable ties or Velcro strips to keep them together, and the boxes themselves often have specially shaped compartments for each component. If you get unlucky and something comes in a clamshell package, we recommend that you find a suitable box to put it in for wrapping after you have checked it over.

Wrap the present in nice paper, and then relax with a warm or cold beverage of your choice, and watch your giftee’s face light up with joy, safe in the knowledge that there will be no tears caused by defective equipment or pesky loading bars.

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