Cooler Master apologizes for “AI thermal paste” mistranslation after getting roasted by PC builders

An image of the 'giggle' Microsoft Teams emoji next to the new range of Cooler Master thermal paste.Cooler Master/Microsoft

Cooler Master has apologized for a translation error where it claims that its new thermal paste has been optimized for AI.

Cooler Master announced a new set of colored “AI thermal” paste on May 21. Revealed on the Cooler Master China webpage, the thermal paste’s varied color range was confusing enough, however, it was its status as an AI product that truly raised a brow amongst PC-building enthusiasts.

Now, it appears that the “AI thermal paste” has nothing to do with AI at all. Cooler Master took to its official X/Twitter page to release an official statement, revealing that “there is no such thing” as AI thermal paste, and that the entire confusion was down to a simple mistranslation error.

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Cooler Master explained, “Let’s clear the air: there is no such thing as AI thermal paste. This is a straightforward case of information getting lost in translation. The reference to AI competitive on our Chinese site was an error and does not accurately represent the capabilities of the Cryofuze 5.”

The description for the new CyroFuze 5 thermal paste was posted on the Cooler Master China website. However, Google Translate had been used for the translation, resulting in multiple instances where “AI thermal paste” was referred to, despite no AI tech being involved.

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Before Cooler Master’s official statement, Reddit pages like r/Hardware and r/PCMasterRace were rightly confused as to why the paste you use to cool down your PC hardware could have anything to do with AI.

Image from the Cooler Master China website of the new CryoFuze 5 thermal paste.Cooler Master

Users like Addicuss hilarious stated that the thermal paste is “made out of the t1000”, which could allude to its alleged AI properties. Meanwhile, other Reddit users assumed the product naming was a deliberate joke, with Legititmate-Skill-112 stating, “I’m 90% sure it’s corporate satire.”

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With the tech industry’s ongoing interest in AI tech, it’s no wonder why many believed this to be another brand’s attempt at using AI as a buzzword. Cooler Master does insist in its statement that the CyroFuze 5 thermal paste can be used to ensure your rigs running any AI-powered hardware, stay cool. Yet there’s no new-fangled AI tech to be seen in this new brightly colored tech goo.