Blind man shocked after Apple Vision Pro helps him see

vision pro helps blind man seeTikTok: James Rath

A blind man was left shocked during his in-store demo of the Apple Vision Pro after realizing how much it helps him see.

Launched on February 2, 2024, the Apple Vision Pro has taken many users by surprise with the high build quality and unique experience.

Rapper TPain says he wants to wear it everywhere, movie directors are editing videos with the headset on, and gamers have even found a way to play League of Legends.

TikToker James Rath, who is legally blind, uploaded a video recently of him trying the headset and was left quite shocked.

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Blind man gives new meaning to VisionOS

In the clip uploaded on February 9, 2024, James Rath shared a little bit of information about the Apple Vision Pro headset before leading into his actual experience.

Although he’s legally blind, Rath actually still has very low vision and was left quite shocked after putting on the headset.

“The first thing I noticed when the headset was capturing things in the real world… I could see things. I mean, like I could read the panels,” he said.

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“I can see better through this than my normal naked eye. Oh, wow.”

James goes on to say that because the screens are so close to his eyes, everything is a big enlarged and clearer than his normal vision. Of course, VisionOS sports various accessibility features as well, including zoom, which he used to make his experience even better.

“How do I go about never taking these things off?” he asked his friend.

Users took to the comments to share their thoughts as well, with many impressed at how much it helped James.

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“Wait that’s so cool I didn’t even think about it being an accessibility tool!,” one user replied.

Another said: “A lot of people with nearsightedness will be able to use these without prescription cause it’s right up next to your face and not actual distance.”

“So this is like that one character from Star Trek that had that visor thing over his eyes neat,” a third commented.