Apple’s $3500 Vision Pro might have a serious cracking problem

Apple Vsion Pro with cracked frontReddit

Apple Vision Pro users are starting to report cracks spontaneously appearing in the front glass of the $3500 headset causing widespread concern.

When you pay a premium price for a product, it is entirely reasonable to expect that it has excellent build quality and is free of issues that could cause sudden failure through no fault of the user. Some users of the Apple Vision Pro were therefore quite shocked to discover a sudden clean-cut sheer crack appearing in the front glass of the Vision Pro headset.

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Several Vision Pro users have now taken to Reddit to complain that their expensive headset had developed a crack. All reports so far show a single line crack which appears to run from the nose bridge section to about halfway up the front of the headset. All affected users denied having dropped or otherwise damaged the device.

Vision Pro owners deny user error

The common factor appears to be that the battery was left charging whilst still connected to the headset. Some users have since suggested that users only charge the battery separately, or only charge without the front cover in place.

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The assumption is that the crack is caused due to temperature changes, with charging heating up the cold class too rapidly, causing it to crack. Some Reddit users speculate that this could be an issue that largely affects users in colder climates, and rightly say that if so, such a problem should have been caught in testing.

Apple Vsion Pro with cracked frontReddit

Those affected by the issue have been told that it can be repaired if they have AppleCare, but they will need to pay the $300 deductible. Without AppleCare, the cost of repairing the glass cover shoots up to $800.

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Some more cynical users on Reddit are expecting that Apple will deny there is a problem and blame the device owners for the issue, as they did with the infamous “You’re holding it wrong.” scandal involving the iPhone 4.

For now, we can only wait and see if this issue becomes more widespread.